Part 12

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"What the hell happened to you?" Edwin stared at Tom who was now frowning back at him.

"What do you mean?" Tom asked, raising his brow.

"Look at your hand... tell me." Edwin replied and Tom sighed, glancing at his employees briefly.

"Don't mind us. We're not here." His assistant said as she stood, walking back towards the kitchen. Edwin glanced at the accountant who, as usual, was lost in his own world of spreadsheets.

"It's not a big deal." Tom said, looking down at it.

"It's in a cast." Edwin said, unable to tear his eyes away.

"A few broken fingers... that's all." Tom said, standing and moving towards the printer slowly.

"And what else?" Edwin asked in confusion as he watched Tom closely.

"It's not a big deal. Nothing else is broken." Tom said with a sigh as he moved back to his chair. That much was true- nothing else had been broken save the four fingers that had been crushed by Samuel's men.  Other than that, they'd hardly touched him except for a couple of  punches to the gut.

They'd been very clear as to why they hadn't done worse either. They wanted Tom well enough to go the stupid wedding he'd already decided he wouldn't go to. There was no way he could go now, no way he could drag Vera further into this. He shuddered to think that they knew her name, they knew who she was and Tom knew what they were capable of.

"You look like you're in pain." Edwin said with a frown and Tom rolled his eyes.

"Some, not much." Tom said. "It's nothing that won't heal."

"So how did that happen?" Edwin asked suspiciously.

"Well... I..." Tom began to mumble but the loud gasp coming from the entrance made them turn.

"Oh god, what happened?" Vera said, moving towards Tom, her eyes on his hand. Tom lowered his hand, trying to hide it.

"Nothing, nothing happened." He said but Vera frowned and shook her head.

"Obviously something happened... are they all broken?" She asked incredulously.

"Just three." He said, looking towards Edwin who was now staring at Vera questioningly.

"He was just about to tell me what happened?" Edwin said, trying to recognize her. Where had he seen this woman before? Was she the woman Tom hadn't wanted to tell him about?

He couldn't see why, she was beautiful. No, beautiful wasn't the right word. There was something about this woman that was just... glowing. There wasn't a line or angle on her face that could hide her kindness. What a silly thing to think but that woman just looked like she was kind, like she was gentle and nurturing... and wow. That was a nice bag she was holding...

"Well, I'd like to hear it too." Vera said, putting a hand on either hip and using a questioning tone.

"I'm Edwin, by the way." Edwin said, making her turn to him for a second before a beaming smile escaped her lips.

"The cousin." She said extending her hand to him. Edwin was almost lost for words. Such a forthright, bright manner. He'd spoken only a few words to her and he already liked her. "I'm Vera."

"The date." He said as he shook her hand and turned back to Tom who was watching them closely. "We're waiting."

Tom was nervous. Of course he hadn't even thought of a good lie yet to tell about his hand.  His eyes flitted back and forth between Edwin and Vera, trying to come up with something... anything... and instead he blurted out the one thing he wasn't supposed to.

Faith and Lies (Vera Reid, Reid Family Book #2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz