Prologue---The Gate

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(The military of Japan is the same as the anime and the military of Fallout are the same as the one in the game and the United States government managed to take back control of America after the Great War. The president and some of his advisers and generals also survived. However, the congress and the senate was destroyed by Chinese nukes. So there will be no elections until the United States in the Fallout world managed to rebuild. There will also be some changes to the timeline in the game and the anime, like dates and stuff.)

Start of chapter:

August.15th.2011            3:40p.m.         Ginza district, Tokyo, Japan

A police officer sat down at his chair infront of his computer and went to check the security footage. "Hmmm......Wait a minute! What the hell is that thing! 

A gate suddenly opened in the Ginza district of Tokyo much to the surprise of the Japanese civilians. Soldiers who look like they are from the Roman era came out of the gate and almost immediately began to attack the people around them. The police officers tried to hold them back but they were overwhelmed. The survivors made their way to the Emperor's Palace where the remaining police officers made defences to hold off the soldiers from the other world until the JSDF can respond. Just when they thought they were going to be overwhelmed, JSDF attack helicopters attacked the enemy's dragons. Through advanced weapons and tactics, the JSDF pushed the armies from the other world back through the gate set up defences to prevent another attack. The exact number of people who got killed, wounded, or got pulled through the gate is still unknown.

February.19th.2082        1:00p.m.          Trinity Plaza,Boston,United States of America

It has been 4 years since the Great War ended. 

One-fourth of Boston is still covered in radiation due to the Chinese nukes.

The president of the United States and his advisers and generals survived and began to rebuild America. (They are not as evil as in the game.)

Suddenly, a gate that looks like it contains a portal suddenly emerged at Trinity Plaza. And out came people that looks like the Romans. But as soon as they started to attack a civilian, the soldiers patrolling the streets grouped together to fight back against them.

"We need air support to get these weird looking dragons out of the sky!" shouted one of them.

Lt.Jackson was also patrolling the streets that day when he saw thousands of soldiers came from the portal and ordered mini nukes to be launched.

"Launch the mini nukes!" He shouted to some of the soldiers nearby who immediately picked up the catapults and dozens were launched at the soldiers from the portal. The mini nukes caused massive damage and the soldiers from the other world were forced to retreat. The battle was won with zero casualties on the American side and with no air support.

January.1st.2091       12:00p.m.          Site 295,Moon of Planet 204, SCP Foundation

25 years ago, the Foundation managed to invent a machine that can open up portals to different worlds.

This provided the Foundation with unlimited resources which allowed them to build highly advanced weaponries like nuclear laser rifles and the orbital strike platform. 

They have not encountered another civilisation...yet.

So it was a surprise when a portal opened up on one of their moon colonies in another world.

What surprised them even more was that humans came out of the portal......without space suits and wearing armour from the Roman era. They immediately died due to the lack of oxygen. The Foundation responded quickly and created an inflatable dome around the portal so no more oxygen can be leaked from the other world in to the world they are in.

From the number of soldiers that came through, the SCP Foundation deducted that this is an invasion force and thus is a threat to the Foundation. It is still unclear how these Roman looking people opened a portal. Site 295 is currently waiting for orders from the 05-council.

(That's it for the prologue, please type in the comment section below on how I can improve my future chapters. Have a nice day!)     

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