Chapter five---UN Summit--Part one

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"Breaking news. The JSDF had met with two other factions in the Special Region. It appears that one of the faction is the United States from 2082 and the other faction is an organisation called the SCP Foundation from 2091. It appears that this United States went through a global thermonuclear war in 2077 because of China and it is currently suffering through a fallout. Because of this, it earned the nickname Fallout America. The United Nation has invited the two factions to a meeting with all the nations to share stories about their world. This is Mitchel from Fox News, signing out."

United Nations headquarters     January.10th.2011

Ambassadors from around the world gathered at the United Nation headquarters to listen to ambassadors from Fallout America and the SCP Foundation. 

"The meeting shall now commence." 

The first ambassador that went up is from Fallout America.

"Good morning. I am from the United States of America of 2082. I will first talk about some history of my country."

"After World War Two, our opponent became the Soviet Union. But by the 1960s, that opponent changed to China. While the world kept draining the resources available, the United States invested heavily in nuclear technology to stop using natural resources. But by the 2050s, the world couldn't take it anymore. The United Nations was disbanded in 2058 and Chinese forces invaded Anchorage, Alaska to get the world's last reserve of oil in 2066. They also invaded South-East Asia, Taiwan, and Japan. Canada allowed us to annex them for protections against the Chinese. We pushed the Chinese out of Alaska in 2067 with our new power armour. We eventually liberated Japan, Taiwan, andSouth-East Asia and launched a full scale invasion of mainland China. We were at the gate of Beijing and China launched its nukes. This event was called the Great War and it lasted for only two hours. The United States government survived but the location of the president and all of his advisors were not known during the nuclear strike. There are rumours about the president and his advisors surviving on an oil rig off the coast but the searches that we sent out found nothing. It is likely that he is dead. The location of members of congress are unknown and this is the same with the senators. They are likely dead as well. After the Great War, General William took over the country because he is the highest ranking officer left after the war. He broadcasted his take-over of the government four weeks after the war. And since most Americans know that they need a government to survive, they agreed to let him run the country until it manage to recover. Last but not least, due to the Soviet Union having China as an opponent as well, they got nuked by China."

"Wait, didn't the Soviet Union collapse in the 1990s" Asked the president of the United States in this world.

"No, they never collapse because since both of our opponent are China, we worked together to improve our relationship."

Meanwhile, the Russian ambassador is staring daggers at China. 

"We shall now take a short break for fifteen minutes." The secretary general of the United Nations said.

(Sorry for the short chapter.)

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