Chapter eight---Establishing boundaries

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The SCP Foundation began a massive assault towards the coast. They encountered some resistance in some cities but their advance was a success in the end and they took control of most of the Western coastline. This is for their future operations to the west since the SCP Foundation is the only one that knows it is in the world of the light novel Nihonkoku Shoukan.

After taking control of the western coast, the SCP Foundation sent its quickly assembled navy, which is kept secret from all of the other factions, to take control of the island chain leading to Japan. They are now ready to establish contact with Japan. The planned place and time of contact will be the Great sea battle of Rodenius.

The navy bases were built quickly and more ships were sent there and the SCP Foundation now controls these territories.

The navy bases were built quickly and more ships were sent there and the SCP Foundation now controls these territories

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(The SCP Foundation's territory is coloured blue.)

The other factions in the Special Region was surprised by the SCP Foundation's actions and when asked, the Foundation simply replied that it is for exploration of this world. The time for contact has finally come and the SCP Foundation will keep this a secret.

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