Chapter three---Italica

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Some refugees came to Italica and Princess Pina immediately asked them about the capabilities of the 'men in green'. The refugees said that the 'men in green' from Alunus Hill defeated the Flame Dragon with exploding light and their magic staffs. 

"You must have mistaken a wyvern for the Flame Dragon, no mortal army can defeat the Flame Dragon." Said Princess Pina.

"No, we saw them wounding the Flame Dragon with their magical light weapons and thus they saved us!"

Pina was shocked to say the least. An army is most likely to loot a village and take the women as sex slaves. She never thought that an army would be this peaceful.

"The army from Dalmus Hill also saved my wife and myself when we got attacked by bandits."

"Wait! You mean the demons from Dalmus Hill! I thought they will slaughter everyone we are in their path!" Shouted Princess Pina.

"No, they didn't, in fact, they are not demons but are actually humans who were nice to innocent people." Said the man.

"I see. You may go now." Said Princess Pina.  

"Your Majesty! Our troops have spotted an army of bandits! They number in the thousands!"

"What! Then it is impossible for us to defend this city!" Shouted Pina.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"Split our forces equally between the east, south, and the north gate."

"Yes, your Majesty!"


A convoy mixed with Fallout American vehicles and hover vehicles from the SCP Foundation from their bases are driving to a nearby city which they learned about from the locals which is called Italica. 

Unknown to them, the JSDF are also going to the same city and arrived there first.

Princess Pina is on another wall. She is amazed by the vehicles that they are using. 

"How come there aren't any horses pulling these carriages?" Asked Pina to a mage standing beside her. 

"Your highness, I really don't know, these carriages are not using any magic."

"Bu...But that is simply impossible! Let these otherworlders in!" Shouted Pina.

"Yes, your majesty!"

The gate was opened and the Third Recon Team proceeded to enter Italica.

They met Princess Pina and told her that they are here to establish a trade agreement with the locals here. Princess Pina then told them about the bandits preparing to attack the South Wall and the Third Recon Team agreed to help them defend the city.

When they finished setting up the defences, they managed to see the bandits. But before they can do anything else, a red light came out of the forest and vaporised a bandit. Soon, the same thing happened to the other bandits. Hover tanks of the SCP Foundation and U.S. troops in power armour came out of the forest blasting lasers and throwing plasma grenades at the bandits and the bandits got wiped out in no time.

"Please don't panic. We are the United States military from 2082. I repeat please don't panic."

Then another voice sounded over the loudspeakers.

"This is the SCP Foundation from 2091. We are just here to establish connections and.....sign some treaties."

Meanwhile, Lt.Itami and his Third Recon Team watched as these soldiers came up to the door of the city with hover tanks and knocked on the door. The knights opened it and in came soldiers from the SCP Foundation and the United States of 2082. Contrary to what they all heard from the rumours, these people are actually humans.

After talking with the princess on where they were from, which took about an hour, they finally began to talk about the treaties.

The JSDF demanded:

Safe passage for JSDF troops.

Trade between Italica and Alnus Hill.

Release of all Japanese citizens.

Prisoners must be treated humanely.

"That's all?" Asked Princess Pina

"Yes, and if you are wondering, we abolished slavery a hundred years ago."

Princess Pina immediately accepted the terms.

"Our terms may sound generous to you but I can't say the same for the Americans and the SCP Foundation."Itami said.

"What do you mean?"Princess Pina asked.

"They have other ideas. Anyway, I will now pass the time to Lt.Jackson of the U.S. military."

Lt.Jackson gave their terms to the princess. They demanded:

Medical services provided by the U.S. military must be payed back in food.

U.S. military allowed to take five percent of the food in Italica.

Safe passage for American troops.

Mining rights.

"I cannot accept this." Pina said.

Lt.Itami also wants to fight for the Italicans but he knew that they can't fight the U.S. military head on.

"Please, my world is dying." Lt.Jackson said.

"What do you mean by your world is dying?" Asked Pina.

Lt.Jackson then proceeded to show them a video of the resource war, the great war that lasted for two hours, and last but not least, the nuclear fallout and the acid rain.

The JSDF and Princess Pina watched as the nuclear missiles leave the silos and impacting cities across the world. This will be seared into their memories as a gigantic ball of light flashed before their eyes and turning into a mushroom cloud.  

"We still don't know the current location of our president. But some said that he escaped to an oil rig but we are still not sure."

Countess Myui said that they can take ten percent of their food. She doesn't want the otherworlders to drop these nuclear bombs on Italica. Princess Pina is just standing there in shock.

Meanwhile, Rory the apostle of Emroy, is hiding outside the castle, unable to believe the destructive power these otherworlders have.

After that, it is the SCP Foundation's turn to show their terms. Their terms are:

Safe passage for SCP Foundation's forces.

Mining rights.

"Why do you need these mining rights when you have that machine(replicator)?" Asked Lt.Jackson.

"Because the machines(replicators) we showed you are prototypes sent to important Foundation facilities. Since the gate opened up, our site became one of these important facilities." Lt.Johnson said.

"I see" They both didn't say the word replicator as this would definitely start a war on Lt.Itami's world.  

"So do you accept our terms, Princess Pina? Mind you, we also have these weapons you saw on the screen just now." Lt.Johnson said.

Countess Myui and Princess Pina had no choice but to accept these terms.

The rest of the Rose Knight Order was shown the video later as well.

Later Lt.Itami asked Lt.Jackson and Lt.Johnson what machine were they talking about.

The two responded by saying it is classified. 

(That's it for this chapter, I won't be updating until after the exam, which is around November.7th. But you can still give some suggestions in the comment section below! Have a nice day!)

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