Last Habit - Matt Stell

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You smile slightly as an extremely tall man sits next to you on the plane. "Sorry if I crowd you, I- I can't help my limbs." He says in a southern accent.

"It's all good." You respond. "Take as much space as you need." You scoot over in your seat, elbowing the armrest up so he can have more room.

"I'm- I'm Matt." He says, offering his fucking paw of a hand in a friendly shake.

You return the gesture with a small smile. "(Y/N)." You look him over; he's handsome, no doubt. "Where're you from?"

"Arkansas. You?"

You tell him and he smiles. "Why're you in California then?"

"Just visiting my friend from college. You?"

"I just finished a tour and I'm headin' home to Nashville."

Your eyes go wide for a second. "A tour? You a musician?" He nods. "Wow."

The plane starts to take off and you dig through your bag for your earbuds. "Am I borin' you already?" He asks quietly.

You chuckle softly and shake your head. "No, I just thought you'd want some quiet after bein surrounded by loud noises for so long."

He just laughs to himself, tilting his head back against the headrest.

After maybe an hour of silence, you feel a tap on your upper arm. "Whatcha listenin' to?"

"Uh," you check your phone. "It was Alan Jackson and now it's Jenna Paulette."

"Never heard of her." He says.

"Here." You hand him one of the earbuds. "She's kinda new in the country scene."

He pops it into his ear and leans back in his chair, his eyes closed. You copy him, soaking in the music trickling through your shared ear buds.

Within minutes, Matt's head rests on your shoulder, his eyes closed, utterly exhausted from going nonstop for the past few months.

Your eyes open when the plane lands but you don't move from your spot. Matt is asleep still, his head on your shoulder and his hand on your thigh.

He groans quietly as he stirs. "Shit, sorry." He says, rubbing his eyes.

You smile back, patting his knee. "I didn't mind at all."

The plane lands with a jolt.

"Here." Matt hands you a scrap of paper with his number written on it. "Call me if you're ever in Nashville."

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