6 String Story - Granger Smith

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You're sitting in the second pew from the front, your hands folded together and resting on the pew in front of you with your head bowed.

It's been an incredibly hard week so you though that you'd swing by the church for a sermon to help put your worries to rest.

The sermon was focused around Psalms 28:7-8 and Psalms 46:1-3.

The words he preached hit you right where you needed. You were supposed to get to class immediately after it was over but you really needed to pray.

The door opens at the back of the church but you don't look up, your eyes still closed. "You alright?"

You huff and look over your shoulder at a cute boyishly handsome guy in a nice flannel. You haven't seen him before.

Maybe you have.

It's a small church.

"I'm alright." You nod. "Just putting all my faith in the Lord. (Y/N)."

"Granger." He replies, politely shaking your outstretched hand.

"Whatcha doin' out here, Granger?"

"I have some downtime and was finally able to get to church." He says, looking down at his nice boots. "I've been to some other churches in other towns but none of em are like the one here in College Station."

"You travel a lot?"

"Yes ma'am. I'm a singer and I've been on tour since May."

"Four months. Wow." You say, standing. "I'm gonna swing by Miss Kate's for some coffee, always do after church. Would you wanna join me?"

Granger smiles his wide smile. "I'd love to."


You squeal as you hop off the stage after your name is read. You just finally graduated by the skin of your teeth. You couldn't have made it through without Granger's help. Ever since that date after church, you two have been connected at the hip.

He's gone a lot, touring and whatnot, but he always finds time to spend with you throughout his busy busy day.

You're grateful.

Tonight, Granger is coming home for a few days in between tour dates and you're pumped. Your eyes scan the crowd for your boyfriend but he's not there.

After a few minutes of saying goodbye to your friends, you're making your way back to your place.

With your cap and gown draped over your arm, you open the door. You toss your keys on the counter, your cap and gown following, then grope the wall for the light.


You jump, a hand on your chest as your wide eyes land on your boyfriend. You grin and rush toward him to throw yourself in his arms. He spins you around, kissing you sweetly with a hand holding the back of your head.

Once he sets you back down, he sinks to the floor, a small box in his hand, and smiles up at you.

"What're you doin'?"

"(Y/N), ever since that day we met at church, I knew you were the girl from me. That night we spent at the pub where you kicked my ass in darts then demolished a burger, that's
when I knew I wanted to marry you. So
(Y/N), will you marry me?"


You laugh tearfully as he slides the ring up your finger. When he stands, you throw your arms around his strong shoulders, kissing him sweetly. He bumps his nose against yours then kisses you again.

Something in your mind was telling you to go to church. It was a hard week, mentally, and you thought that soaking in the sermon would help.

It definitely did.

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