Toothless Cowboy - Caden McDonald

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You and your best friend make your way to the front of the student section. Its the homecoming game and you're playing the school's rivals on this rainy day.

You scan the bench and sidelines for your boyfriend but he finds you first. "Caden!" You grin, waving your arm so he doesn't lose you in the crowd. You lean down as he lifts himself up by gripping the barricade to kiss you like he does at every home game.

"Do great!" You shout over the crowd, fist bumping him like you always do before the game. He waves as he runs off back to the bench to grab his helmet.

As the game goes on, the home team's score goes up and the crowd gets rowdier.

The clock runs out and your team won.

The students storm the field like they do after every victory and you try to find your boyfriend but it's incredibly difficult with the sea of red surrounding you.

You're suddenly grabbed with an arm around the waist and you whip around, a huge smile on your face that matches the gap toothed grin shining down at you.

Caden wraps you in a tight hug, rain pouring down as he kisses you.

"Congrats on the win!" You shout, clearing black trails from the paint on his red cheeks. "I knew y'all could do it!"

He laughs as he presses his sweaty forehead against your equally damp one. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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