Waiting - Bailey Zimmerman

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Its been three years since you and Bailey started dating and you're starting to go a little crazy.

You had made the comment about dating for years and years with no ring in sight and he agreed that it was wild

But three years.

You get he's been busy with his music and everything but still. It's been three years.

You've been through it all- everything.

The many times he was turned down before catching his break, him finally catching a break, his career taking off, his first tour, first radio single and now his first album.

You're still crazy supportive, 100% you're still so supportive but c'mon now.

Three years.

"Babe, I gotta work tonight." He says, his eyes on his phone as he picks up a snapback and his corduroy jacket along with his truck keys.

"Tonight? Are you serious?"

"I know I'm sorry." He sighs, stepping into his boots. "I'll make it up to you."

You sigh in return, turning your attention back to your phone. "Okay."

He leans over and kisses you. "I love you."

You mumble it back, knowing he isn't listening.

You listen to his truck rumble off before you decode to head to bed.


Its turned two in the morning and Bailey isnt home yet. You call him and it goes straight to voicemail which immediately makes you worry. You try twice more and still nothing.

You check instagram and snapchat and see he's out at a bar, trashed.

As much as you hate to do it, you decide to call one of the guys he's out with.

"What's goin' on, (Y/N)?" Austin asks when he answers.

"Just making sure y'all are safe and responsible tonight."

"Uh, I's- we're fine." He clears his throat. "We should be- we'll be fine."

"I'm just worried about y'all that's all." You sigh, rubbing your eyes.

He exhales heavily. "Bailey is trashed right now but-"

"No buts. I'll pick him up when he's ready to leave. Where'd he park?"

"The studio. I'll take 'em there when we're done."

"Sure. I'll be there." You hang up and start getting ready.


Headlights wash over you as you're parked next to Baileys jacked up truck.

"Thanks man." You head Bailey laugh, stumbling his way out of the truck.

"Hey (Y/N), take care of him!"

"I always do." You sigh back, taking your boyfriend by the arm to guide him to your passenger seat.

Bailey pulls away and looks you over, his eyes glazed over and full of nothing but love. "(Y/N), you're so beautiful." He says, resting his hands on the sides of your face before leaning in to kiss you sloppily.

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