Wait In The Truck - Michael Hardy

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"ID please." The officer behind the front desk states, not looking up from his computer screen. "Who are you visiting?"

You hand him your license. "Michael Hardy."

He prints out a sticker and peels it from the backing. "Keep this visible at all times. Common room is down the hall first door on the right. An officer will let you in."

"Thank you, sir." You say politely, sticking your temporary badge to your jacket then follow his directions.

You're sent through another metal detector before going into the room, your tired eyes landing on an empty table to sit at while you wait for the man who risked his own life to save yours that one summer night all those months ago.

You sit quietly for a few minutes before the other door opens and jangling chains following. "Hey beautiful." He sits across from you. "How ya been?"

"Been alright." You reply, looking him over. "What happened to your eye?"

"That fat fucker talking shit." He states, nodding to the larger inmate sitting across the room looking way worse than Michael is.

"Thank you for-"

He stops you before you can finish your sentence, his hand resting on top of your sweaty ones. "Don't mention it."

He's glad he did what he did, truthfully, he is. No man should ever beat the shit out of their girlfriend for any reason. He saw you and how terrified you look and something in him knew right then he had to do something.

Murder is wrong, duh. Yes, it was a little extreme but he does not regret it one bit.

He's just glad to see the brighter side of you.

You never thought it would end, what that man did to you, but your day of justice finally came thanks to him. If you wouldn't have stumbled your way to the main road, who knows what would've happened to you.

You two sit in a comfortable silence, hands still joined together.

You feel his eyes on you but you ignore it. He's just studying your face, every freckle, every line, everything about you.

He knows he'll be here until he dies, life for a life, but it was worth it to see you for you.

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