New Kid on the Block

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*Leah's P.O.V*

I sat in the kitchen on one of the bar stools patiently waiting for Leo to finish packing his hockey bag. Slowly picking at one of my many calluses on my hand.

Leo barged into the kitchen skates in his hand, his blonde hair in a puff on the top of his head.

"Almost done." He stated.

I nodded my head acknowledging him but my blue eyes looked past him out the window.

Acrossed the street I watched a black pick up pulled into the driveway of the house that was just sold. A boy my age stepped out of the car and looked down the street. I sucked in a small breath as I looked at him. His dark brown hair matched his eyes that were scanning the street, muscle basically exploding out of his grey t-shirt. I raised my eyebrows as I continued to look out the window.

At least someone hot moved in that house, I thought. It beats the older couple who lived there before. I continued to look out the window as Leo entered the room, practice jersey in his hands.

"Whatcha lookin at?" He asked.

I quickly looked away from the window and looked toward Leo. I shook my head slightly and leaned against the kitchen counter.

"The people who bought the house down the street, they just moved in." I stated shrugging my shoulders.

"Odd time to move in," Leo stated now looking out the window to at the mystery boy, "the first semester of school is almost done, why didn't they just wait out the rest of the year?"

I shrugged my shoulders at his question and brushed my blonde hair over my shoulder standing up from the bar stool. I put my hands on my hips and looked toward Leo.

"You ready?" I asked my voice dull.

"Well don't sound too excited about taking me to practice." Leo said his voice dripping with sarcasm.

A small smirk planted on my face as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, its that time of year again." I stated reaching for my keys on the counter, "you start hockey practice and now I have no one to skate with."

"Oh, come on. Don't be so dramatic I'll make time to skate with you." Leo exclaimed putting his hands on his hips to mock my sass.

I snorted at his comment and began to walk out the door towards my car.

"I'm kidding, I know you'll make time for me. Now come on lets get to practice." I stated.

With Leo behind me I stepped out of the door and headed for my car, throwing his hockey bag in the back we both took off to the rink.

As I walked into the rink, I was practically abandoned by Leo as he shot like a bullet towards the lockeroom. I let out a small chuckle as I looked at the rink.

Though Leo was a sophomore, he had been skating at this rink sense he was 5, this place was not only home to him but it was also home to me.

I smiled as I saw the familiar faces of the team goalie and captain standing by the bench waiting for practice to start. With confidence in my step I walked toward them, Jack, the captain looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Elastigirl!" Jack half shouted, referencing a old nickname he had called me sense we were young.

I smirked as I remembered the day the he started calling me that. We were in 4th grade and I impressed him with my over-split giving me the nick name that he wouldn't stop calling me for years to come.

"Captain." I said mocking a fake salute.

I fist pumped Connor the goalie, happy to see my friends.

"How are you doing?" Conner asked

I snorted at that question, rolling my blue eyes.

"You ask that as if you didn't see me at school 3 hours ago." I stated with sarcasm.

"True, but I never know what mood you're in at school." Conner stated with a deep chuckle.

I shrugged my shoulders at his comment choosing to ignore it.

"Well, now that I'm at the rink. I'm doing good." I said honestly taking in a deep breath of that hockey smell.

"Leah!" Coach Mark exclaimed with excitement as he saw my face.

"Hey coach Mark." I said with a small smile.

"Glad to see you're here. You getting on the ice today?" He asks that question everyday and everyday I was tempted to say yes but day after day I still said,

"No, not today. I left my gear at home all I have is my skates in the car." The normal lie dripping from my lips.

"OK, well, if you ever want to hop in for practice... let me know. " he said slightly disappointed.

At the same time Leo walked past me in full gear heading straight toward the bench.

"I swear everyone on this team loves my sister more than me." He stated as he walked past rolling his eyes and giving me a fake glare.

Coach Mark and the other teammates let out chuckles. I laughed as I looked at all the boys on the team surrounding me. My eyes landing on a new boy standing to the side. His dark eyes met mine for a second as I looked at him. He had to be my age, his height overpowering me in the skates. I felt as though I had seen him before he looked so familiar, then it hit me.

The new kid on the block, that was him, standing here in full hockey gear. Coach Mark noticed that my gaze shifted towards the new kid and he almost jumped out of his socks.

"You must be Wesley." Coach Mark said holding out a hand for the new kid to shake.

"Uh, Wes, please." Wes said his voice low.

I watched as coach Mark pulled him in a secluded area to talk to Wes alone. Looking at the new kid carefully I leaned over to Jack.

"Who's the new guy?" I asked now genuinely curious.

He had just moved in down the street and was now apart of my brother's hockey team, he was obviously stepping into my life and I didn't even know who he was.

"Oh, him? His name is Wes." Jack said shrugging his shoulders.

"I know that dipshit, but like who is he." I said emphasizing the who.

"Not really sure, he moved here from Marquette, he's a senior and a hell of a good defense player from what coach has told me." Jack said giving me a small run down.

"Why did he move?" I asked slightly tilting my head still staring at him

"Not sure, coach wouldn't tell me why except for the fact that Wes needed a new team in a different league. He did tell me to keep a close eye on him though." Jack said turning to get on the ice slapping me on the shoulder before leaving.

I stood there looking at Wes still curious why he had moved half way through the school year and why no one, not even Jack,  knew why he moved.


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