How You Doing Bud?

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*Wesley's P.O.V*

I slammed my front door shut and walked into my house, I was tired and hungry from practice and had no energy to deal with my father tonight.

Which is exactly why my mood sank even more when I saw him as I entered the house. He sat there on the couch engrossed in the t.v, not even taking his eyes off of the screen as he spoke,

"How was practice? You managed to fuck it up yet?" He asked

I shrugged his comment off, he had been criticizing me sense the move and at this point I was used to it. He hated me, he hated his new job, he hated this new town and he made that very clear.

Ignoring him I entered the kitchen, hearing my father turn up the television realizing he was being ignored. I let out a sigh of relief to myself as I began to make somewhat of a dinner.

As I turned on the stove my phone in my pocket began to buzz, pulling it out I read the caller ID "CJ". A small smile went acrossed my face as I awnsered the call.

"Hey, how you doing bud?" CJs voice rant through the phone.

I put him on speaker and placed the phone on the counter to finish making dinner.

"Doing alright. How are you and Ella?" I asked referring to his girlfriend.

"She's good, I'm good. Both of us really miss you." CJ said with sadness in his voice.

"Yeah I miss you guys too." I said back loud enough so he could hear me through the phone.

I stood there in silence for a moment the only sound coming from the stove and the t.v in the living room before I spoke.

"How are things rollin in Marquette?" I asked missing home.

It hadn't lived that long in Rogersville but the missing home withdrawal had already started including the guilt. The guilt and the "secret keeping" were starting to sit heavy in my gut.  Now knowing that my secret keeping was the reason Leah didn't like me and why she didn't trust me.

"Things are good, teams not fantastic with you gone but we'll manage... speaking of the team, Randy found a new team just like you." CJs voice said with deep regret in his voice.

I sighed loud enough that CJ could hear it over the phone and placed my head in my hands.

"It gets worse," he continued, "your in the south eastern state league, right? Well Randy just got on a team in that league called the Bellevue Trojans."

I gronned even louder. I had heard that name before when I was talking to Jack about the league, as far as Jack and everyone else was concerned they were are major rivals. It wasn't a nice rivalry either, they were brutal.

"Great." I finally said huffing out a word.

"Just thought you should know." CJ said defensively, "look I have to go soon but tell me about your time in Rogersville, how has it gone?"

I thought for a moment before awnsering, this time Rogersville felt like 4 weeks. Though I know it hadn't been that many. It was hard to remember everything that had happened.

"Well obviously I'm on the Rogersville hawks team. Everyone is super nice, the coach knows about the whole fight but not my teammates and I prefer it to stay that way. The captain and the goalie welcomed me like a brother, so that gave me a nice breath of fresh air. I hang out with them at school too. I have a new defensive partner obviously, his names Leo and he's a sophomore, but he's really good. Leo has a sister who supposedly plays hockey and she's very close with the team, though I haven't seen her on the ice yet."

"Is she cute?" CJ asked cutting off my long explanation.

"Dude more than cute, she's jacked in a hot way." I stated thinking back to the first time I saw Leah.

Her hair down and her figure being hugged by her tight turtle neck, she was very attractive I will admit.

"But...?" CJ said knowing that their was more.

"She's a bitch. An absolute bitch to everyone at school and to me, but she loves the hockey players and they love her, but she hates me."

"Why is that? Does she just need to warm up to you?" CJ wondered

"I don't know man. According to Jack, the captain, she wasn't always like this. Apparently she had a super bad fall out in gymnastics a year ago and only has trust in the hockey boys." I said recalling what Jack had told me.

"Yeah but you're one of the hockey boys now, you'd think she would trust you."

"She doesn't trust me because she thinks I'm hiding my past."

"Well aren't you?" CJ replied recalling what I had told him earlier.

"I told her that I moved because my dad got a new job, its half the truth." I rebuttalled

"Exactly, half the truth. Sounds like your going to great lengths to get this girl to like you man. Does someone have an eye candy crush?" CJ said in a teasing voice.

"No, no! You know how much I hate it when people don't like me, plus this girl is obviously important to the team, they treat her like a teammate so I feel like we should be on good terms." I defended

"Sure, ok, look I got to go. Just text me when the wedding is happening." CJ said in a tone that I couldn't tell if it was serious or joking.

"CJ-" I started but he hung up the phone before I could finish the sentence.

I sat there in shock for a solid minute taking in everything that had just happened in our conversation.

Randy the exact person who had gotten me kicked out of the league was now in my new league. The rival of my new team... that will go well. Plus CJ now thinks I have a crush on Leah, granted she's hot but I just want to be friends with her first. Getting her to like/tolerate me is step one.

I rolled my eyes slightly at CJs last comment before grabbing my dinner and heading quietly up to my room to eat in peace away from my dad.

Words: 1071

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