Finals, Period 3

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*Wesley's P.O.V*

I stood by the lockeroom door nervous, rocking back and forth on my feet.

"1 minute Leah." I said

We had finished out the 2nd period and were currently in between periods. Leah was changing into her gear.

"Alright, alright." Leah said as she walked out of the lockeroom gear on.

Her braids down her back, she looked buff in her gear. But the best part, her jersey.


Leo insisted that she wore his jersey. And luckily those two practically being twins were the same size.

My breath hitched in my throat, I'd never seen her in a game jersey and


"You look more nervous than me." Leah said with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes and walked with her towards the bench, the third period about to start.

"Don't worry, I'll wear your jersey later... just minus the pads." Leah said softly.

Major blushing hit my face.

"Damn it Leah, were at a game." I said.

She just shrugged with a smirk

"Maybe it will make you play harder, according to CJ your skatings bad."

"CJ can suck my dick." I said walking closer to the bench.

"Don't let CJ take my jobs." She said shoving me slightly causing me to lose it all over again.

She was so nervous and you could tell, but one thing I've learned about Leah. She thrives under pressure, that and she has the mouth of a hockey player. Those boys are going to be destroyed both physically and verbally.

"Ready?" I asked opening the door.

"No time like now I guess." She replied skating out onto the ice.

As we skated out to our positions the annoncer came over the speakers.

"And it looks like subbing in for defensive man Leo Huxley is his sister, senior Leah Huxley!"

The crowd went crazy and me and Leah skated to our spots. Damn, she looked Hella intimidating.

"Are you fucking with me? I'm not going to play with a girl." One of the Trojans said.

"With that thought process, the only one fucking you is yourself. The only question is what gets you on? Silence? Porn?" Leah said with a smirk shocking all the players on the ice.

"Bitch." The player replied

"Dogs. Thats a fetish I've never heard of, but whatever gets you on I guess." Leah said shrugging.

Mouth wide open, smirking I looked over at her.

Jack was looking back at her alittle shocked, trying not to laugh as well.

Across ice, Randy was looking at Leah. She quickly found his gaze and stared him down. Nothing is more terrifying than a gymnast death stare and oh my God she was letting him know who's boss.

"Keep your girl on a leash Wesley or were going to have problems." Randy said.

I stood up to my full size. Ready to throw a punch.

"Sorry buddy, but I'm the top in this relationship and I don't have a dog fetish like your teammate here... so no leash" Leah replied before I could say anything.

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