Can I Get Away From You!?

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*Leah's P.O.V*

I slammed my dresser drawer shut. It making a loud thud noise as it closed, I huffed out a sigh to myself and looked around my room my eyes landing on my mirror. I was still standing in my room dressed in what I wore to bed, shorts and a crop top.

I gronned loudly, I couldn't find shit to wear.

"Jesus what did that drawer ever do to you?" Leo said standing in my doorway.

I gave him a side glare and ran my hands through my hair.

"I'm lacking clothing options, and we need to leave in 20 minutes." I responded before picking through my dirty laundry basket.

"Don't take your aggression out on the furniture." He stated while throwing a sweatshirt at me.

It hit my head and I grabbed in aggressively looking at it. It was one of his hockey sweatshirt, black and red with the Rogersville hawk mascot on the front and his name on the back.

"Put on your white sweatpants and nikes and get a hold of yourself." Leo stated

I sighed he was right, there was really no need to panic. We both stood there in silence before my phone started to buz on my desk top reading the caller ID "coach" Leo gave me a harsh look.

"And don't pick up that call." He stated before leaving my room.

"No shit Sherlock." I muttered ripping off my crop top.

My ex-gymnastics coach had been calling me for a week now and it was stressing me out to the point I was taking it out on Leo. Competition season was starting soon and Brad my former coach wanted/ needed me back. Truth was I didn't pick up the phone because I was almost scared I would say yes. Say yes to coming back. Gymnastics has always been apart of my life and this first year without it had been rough.

I let the phone on the table continue to buzz as I looked at myself in the mirror. My night shirt off I could see my 6 pack that once was an 8 pack, God I need to up my workout. I sighed to myself before putting on Leo's sweatshirt. The more I looked at myself the more depressed I got, my body wasn't the same sense I quit gymnastics. I finished putting on my outfit and headed out the door not bothering to style my long blonde hair.

Me and Leo drove to school in silence like normal. Parking in the parkinglot I got out of my car and was immediately met with a familiar voice.


I smiled at Jack who was sitting on the hood of his car finishing up some homework. I walked over to him with Leo by my side.

"How you doing bud?" Jack asked Leo treating him like a little brother.

"Doing alright." Leo stated with a shrug.

Jack shook his head before pointing at my sweatshirt with his pencil.

"That Leo's?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, and opened my mouth to reply but quickly shut it as a car pulled into the parking spot right next to Jacks and I immediately realized it wasn't Carters car.

Jack realized my change of mood and rolled his eyes.

"He's not that bad Leah." Jack stated.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Jack with a glare.

"Do you know why he moved?" I questioned trying to prove my point.

"No, but I don't hate him for it. Leah you're giving him crap for no reason-"

"I have my reasons"

"Leah..." Leo said, "he could have moved for a million reasons maybe he's not ready to talk about it."

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