Apologize and Act Like Nothing Happened

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*Leah's P.O.V*

I slowly opened my eyes, to my bright room. It took my eyes a minutes to adjust to the light.

The first thing I noticed was how much my ass and back hurt. Why was I sleeping on the floor?

I lifted my head up from the person I was using as a pillow. At first I thought it was Jack but then I remembered.

I set my head back down on Wes's lap. Some point during the night I fell asleep sitting up and laid down.

I squeezed my eyes shut, the pain in my back was alittle overwhelming. I had really bad back problems sense I quit gymnastics and sleeping on the floor didn't help.

I groaned alittle and buried my head into Wes's legs. Last night had been shit, and now my morning was starting out shitty too.

"Mornin." Wes said his voice deep.

My stomach flipped a little when I heard him speak.

"Goodmorning." I replied with a red blush, keeping my face buried.

"How'd you sleep?"

"As good as one can when sleeping on the floor." I stated with a small chuckle.

"Sorry, I was going to put you in your bed but I didn't want to wake you." Wes explained

Something in me caused me to blush slightly, just the thought that he cared about me. Sure Jack, Carter, and Leo always looked out and cared for me but something about this was different. It made me feel things I didn't did want to feel. Or did I?

I turned off of my side and laid on my back looking up at Wes.

"Its ok, thanks for caring." I stated still trying to hide the blush creeping up to my cheeks.

"It's my job to care for you mystery girl. I made your brother a promise." Wes said looking away from me, almost embarrassed but doing well to hide it.

I licked my lips softly, his words were so innocent and pure and yet they were doing things inside me.

When these feelings began to happen I'm not sure, Wes was always super attractive but now it wasn't that he was just hot.

I knew what the feelings were but I was too scared to admit it. How could I? I didn't know his complete past, he didn't know mine. Plus I couldn't stomach telling Leo he was actually right for once. And would if Wes didn't feel the same way? Maybe he had a girlfriend back at home or a girl at school he was into.

But those thoughts didn't stop my eyesight from drifting down from his eyes to his lips, with Wes noticing he smirked slightly.

"Wesley-" something within me told my to say his full name just to grab his full attention.

I watched as his eyes drifted down towards my lips and he smirked slightly. He leaned down closer to my head resting on his lap and whispered,

"Don't do that to me mystery girl. Not when there's an entire team of hockey boys downstairs who would kill me if they came up here and saw us."

I let out a rugged breath and nodded my head, God damn it he was right.

Wait. A. Damn. Minute.

Was he going to kiss me?

Or do much worse to me?

Does this mean he likes me?

Or are we just not friends any more and becoming fuck buddies. Because I've done that before and don't prefer to do it again. I want someone who cares and want to help, I guess thats why I'm drawn to Wes. Because he cares.

Maybe he doesn't like me and its just a small crush. Who knows, I just wanted to enjoy the attention while I have it.

Wes helped me sit up, I leaned my back against the bed and let out a sigh.

"Don't sound so flustered Leah." He said jokingly

I smiled and shook my head slightly, this moment and banter is what I lived for. I could return the banter if only my bedroom door hadn't opened revealing Jack.

He looked like a scared puppy awaiting his punishment.

"Leah-" he said softly entering the room with about 2 steps before stopping.

"I know Jack, its alright." I said letting a small smile on my face.

"No its not ok, we both know that. I should have both of your backs regardless of what has happened to both of you. One, I'm your best friend and two, I'm your captain I shouldn't act out the way I did, it was selfish." Jack said sitting down on the floor to meet our level.

I was about to speak but Wes opened his mouth first, his voice coming out smooth and calm in a professional way I'd never heard it before.

"Its not selfish Jack, you had a right to say what you did. It was how you said it was the problem, and granted you were drunk. You've waited for answer and your frustrated, which is understandable. Just know that one day I will tell you the story, I'm just not now because I'm worried you will think less of me. But I don't want you to think less of me because you don't know the story." He paused for a second and looked at me before looking back at Jack, "I'm sure Leah had her reasons as well."

I took a shaky breath before speaking.

I wasn't going to tell him the truth right here was I? I wanted to but something held me back.

How hard was it to say that I was abused and sick of the dieting and had my medical needs taken away from me?

Apparently very hard.

Very, very, very hard. Because something within me stopped me from saying it.

"I want to tell you Jack, but everytime I feel as though now one will understand, I don't think I've quite processed the whole ordeal yet either. When I figure it out I'll tell you, alright."

Jack nodded his head and looked at us both.

"Look I've got a killer hang over, but this is what I need to ease my stress about both of you, a little bit of honesty and truth." He chuckled for a moment and stood up, "Now I'm going to go heal my hangover and help Leo with his. Use protection you two and be quite because the boys downstairs will not hesitate to beat you up Wes if they come up here and see you two... well you know."

Jack walked out of the door, and shut it before he could hear me say,

"But we aren't fucking-"

Instead the words came up quiet and mumbled as I realized he wouldn't hear me.

I looked over at Wes next to me who had a sad smile on his face.

"Those are the first words about your past that I've heard come out of your mouth that I thought were genuine." Wes said softly.

I leaned closer to Wes, wanted my face to be as close to his as possible maybe I was a little hung over from the small amount of beer I had last night but I wanted to be as close as I could to Wes in this moment and he wasn't pushing me away.

"Remember our deal, I won't push about your past if you don't push about mine." I said softly staring into his dark brown eyes.

Wes stared back into my blue ones, his fingers brushed back my blonde hair.

"And I'll keep that promise till I feel its necessary to break it." He said with full seriousness.

The old me would have thrown a fit because it was technically breaking the deal, but now I didn't care because I had trust that when Wes felt it was necessary to push about it, it probably was necessary.

"Ok mystery boy." Was all I said, as I kept staring into his eyes my stomach doing flip.

I didn't need to tumble or vault to feel the feeling of flying anymore. All I had to do was look into Wes's eyes and honestly I craved it.

Words: 1363

Again so sorry I haven't posted I got my wisdom teeth out and forgot this story existed.

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