More Than Just Friends

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*Leah's P.O.V*

CJ: he really is a charmer I'm telling you.

Leah: I want to say your wrong but I can't.

I texted CJ back under my school desk with a smirk on my face.

"Who are you texting?" Wes questioned quietly while resting his head on my shoulder.

I was getting more used to him being this close to me. It had been a couple weeks sense the sleep over dilemma. We'd played in a few hockey games and won, Wes had started to come over to my house more frequently whether it be for the project, an  escape from his dad, or just to see me.

"CJ" I whispered back, "what are you doing?" I questioned realizing he wasn't paying any attention to our teacher and was on his computer.

"Working on our business plan because the last weekend we have to work on it is play off weekend so I figured its better finish it now and present it early." Wes said.

I nodded my head, he was right.

"Why don't you come over tomorrow after practice and work on it?" I asked.

"Why don't you skate at practice?" Wes questioned with a slight smirk.

"Not gonna happen." I stated.

Wes rolled his and looked back at his computer.

"Yeah I'll come over after practice on one condition. We take you car home but I drive." He stated, you could tell he was itching to drive.

"OK deal." I said with a sigh leaning back in my seat.

"Will Leo be there?" Wes asked excitedly.

I shook my head.

"No, he's a busy kid with driver ed now. Sooner or later he won't need me to take him to practice. "

"Darn I was going to show him this cool movie I found on Netflix." Wes stated looking back at his computer.

I smirked a bit looking at Wes, it made me tingle inside the way he treated Leo like a younger brother.

"How far along are we on the business plan?" I asked leaning over his shoulder.

"Almost done, I think we should be complete tomorrow." Wes said looking back at me with a smile on his face.

I looked at him with a smirk for a minute before the bell rang, forcing me to gather my things.

Walking out of first period with Wes by my side he huffed slightly.

"Got any classes you could miss today?" He asked. It was an old question he'd been asking for while now.

"Honestly I could probably miss all of them and not wreck my GPA." I stated truthfully.

I had nothing of real importance in any of my classes today, and quit frankly I was pissed I had to be here because there was nothing for me to do.

"You wanna skip with me?" Wes asked bouncing on his feet alittle.

I let out a small sigh and looked at the exit door.

"What the hell are we gonna do if we skip?" I asked opening my locker.

"Loads of things," Wes replied putting on his jacket, he already had plans of of leaving.

I rolled my eyes slightly and looked at my coat for a second before looking back at Wes.

I had no idea what we were gonna do if we skipped. What if I got hurt, my coach would kill-.
I don't have a coach to worry about. Something within me giggled at that thought.

The Hockey Players Sisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن