15. Alessandro's office

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Francesco joined them too.

They entered what looked like Alessandro's office she was led to a coffee table. She sat on the leather sofa and waited for Alessandro to start speaking. There was already a steaming teapot prepared on the table. Since it was winter and the nights tended to get really cold but here the fireplace was making everything nice and cozy.

"There are several things I want to address," Alessandro said in a formal voice after he handed Sofia a glass of water for her.

For himself and Francesco he poured a whiskey.

"Y-yes?" Sofia asked suddenly feeling nervous.

"What made you desperate enough to book a plane to another country and come here without your former guardian knowledge? You said you came without money, you were forced to sleep on the streets. I hope you understand that this is very concerning and I do not believe that simple dislike to your guardian would cause this reaction"

Sofia stiffened even though Alessandro didn't directly mention his name.

Sofia's eyes became dull and unseeing when she pondered the question: what made her so desperate. What? Was that only one thing? No. Ever since her mother died her life started to collapse like a domino. But at what point did she decide to flee?


Mom was yelling at Sofia whenever she was drunk or sober. She had a neurotic type of personality. But she never raised her hand at her.

Mother's boyfriends did.

But nothing, absolutely nothing compared to what she experienced while living with Paul, ever since her mother died.

The first time he raised his hand at her it wasn't just a "push" or a "slap" a horrible result of losing nerves. He repeatedly hit her with a belt not looking exactly where he's hitting. She was lying on the ground crying and screaming but it's as if he didn't hear her.

"Do you know how much money I'm losing for not selling your ass to clients? You had one job and you didn't do it. Your mother was a weak-minded whore and you're the same" he repeatedly hit her after that.

Her one job was selling her body to Paul's business partner. This is when Sofia realized that there will be never a good time to escape. She won't be able to earn enough money in time to do so. She will be raped or killed if she stays here.

She needed to stop overthinking and planning she just needed to go. She had enough money for a plane ticket and that had to be it.

She needs to run now.

End of flashback

"I just wanted to meet you and Paul wouldn't let me travel" Sofia explained. Technically, she was telling the truth. Just not the whole truth.

"You could pay someone to investigate for you if he had a problem with flying abroad"

"Why would he care enough to do this?"

"Clearly it was important for you to find us so it should be equally important to him as your guardian"

"It wasn't" Sofia responded laconically.

"I understand that you don't trust me but I need to ask this. Was he abusive in any way?"

Sofia went quiet for the moment and then she said "No"

"Try again and this time look me in the eyes when you speak"

Sofia remained silent.

Alessandro sighted after he saw she's not willing to answer. "I see. That's all I needed to know for now" he said getting up. "You should go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day"

Sofia had no idea what did he mean by that but she nodded silently and left his office.

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