69. Political prisoner

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„Breakfast is ready" Alessio woke her up with this information. He was speaking in a formal and indifferent voice while keeping hands in his pockets.

Sofia forced her body to move to the side just to send him a death glare. In response, he just left her room. Sofia realized that Alessio never involved himself in unnecessary fights, it just wasn't a part of his personality. 

Good. She didn't want to talk to him anyway. She realized that yesterday he probably just took pity on her and now he is back to his cold and quiet self.

Ten minutes later another person entered her room. It was Emilio.

"Alessio told you to go downstairs 10 minutes ago" there was a clear reprimand in his voice.

"Go away. Leave me alone" Sofia muttered, she was fully covered with her bedsheets and that made her feel bold.

"That's very mature," Emilio replied with a dry voice, his hands crossed over his chest.

"Go fuck yourself" she repeated her request, this time she was harsher.

"Sofia, I need you to get up and go downstairs, now," he said slowly but clearly and it was obvious that he was not planning to let this go.

Sofia's eyes hardened.

"Make me"

And he took it seriously because next thing she knows she was carried downstairs on his shoulder as if she was a sack of potatoes.

"What the fuck?! Let me go you big oaf fuck off" she tried to start screaming but it was already too late and he was putting her down right next to the glass dining table. The black, fancy plate made out of ceramic was full of mouth-watering food but she wasn't hungry.

Shew wouldn't be eating it.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" She asked angrily. She was so mad that he just carried her downstairs like it was nothing like she wasn't fighting back. It made her feel helpless. Out of helplessness, she pushed him as strong as she could but he didn't even flinch. He was standing in front of her like a stone statue looking at her with consternation.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Fu-" she couldn't finish that sentence because someone's hand covered her mouth and that same person immobilized her both arms with a firm grip of his hand.

"Don't finish that sentence" Alessio warned and then his hand left her mouth before she managed to bite him. Unfortunately, his left hand was still clasped around her wrists. "What's going on?" He asked with consternation looking at his older brother.

"She got possessed by a demon when I tried to carry her downstairs" Emilio explained, in his voice, it sounded serious.

"You could've let her stay in the room" Alessio muttered. "She looks like she's ready to scratch your face off," he said in a pretty chill demeanour.

"She's here!" Sofia yelled, unbelievable. Those assholes.

"Screaming will get you nowhere so stop raising your voice" Emilio's voice was sharp and clear. He spoke like a soldier. But she wasn't one of his fucking cadets.

Ok, she was pissed. Really pissed.

"I will start eating only after you let me out of this house," she said firmly. Was she testing limits? Oh, hell yes.

"That's not how this works"

"Hunger strike is a valid way of protest," she said with a smart ass attitude.

Yeah, she promised Rosario that she was not going to leave and she won't. She will make them let her go. They will be sick of her very soon.

Emilio pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. He was not used to people talking back to him.

"I'm losing my patience Sofia" he warned. In normal circumstances, if she had any self-preservation left she would back down. But this wasn't the case.

"You're losing your patience? My brother has been kidnapped, I was worried sick for him for days, my own family did that to me. Do you think my patience doesn't matter? I lost it a long time ago"

As if to prove her point she picked up the plate and threw it on the ground.

There was no carpet on white marble tiles that probably cost a fortune. The plate fell apart in a spectacular, loud manner. Emilio's green eyes darkened. For a moment there was perfect silence in the room. No one was speaking.

"Go to your room," Emilio said, his voice dark, and this time Sofia followed his order. Alessio already let her wrists go so she was free to leave. "And Sofia" he continued. She stopped in a half-step. "I suggest you to change your attitude until dinner. You don't want Rosario to see you like this. He will be less understanding than I am"

He was understanding? When. Fuck. What was wrong with them all.

She ran inside of "her" new room (cage) and threw herself on the bed crying. She has no strength for this. She just wanted to be home, she wanted to hug Alessandro, Valentino and Francesco all three of them and never let them go.

She spends the whole day in her room, on her bed, without moving an inch.

Someone knocked on her door. She didn't respond. She didn't open them either. She locked them for a reason.

"Sofia I will ask only once. Open the door" Emilio said firmly.

She had no intention to. The second later she realized he had a spare key. Of course, he did.

"Brat, don't be difficult you haven't eaten all day," he said, his voice still gruff but now softer.

Alessio leaned over the doorframe to watch the spectacle because of the moment Sofia's and Emilio's exchange.

Then Rosario entered her room.

"What is going on here?" He said harshly, the mischievousness gone from his expression, no smirk either. He was serious and it was truly terrifying.

"A hunger strike? You're not a political prisoner, you're my 17 years old sister and if you won't get up right now-"

"I am a political prisoner. If it wasn't for your beef with my brothers I wouldn't be here at all" Sofia interrupted him rudely and his eyes narrowed in response, she shivered.

"You're not a political prisoner. You're a minor and I am responsible for your health. I won't let you starve yourself to prove a point so I suggest you come downstairs and start eating like a good girl"


"Tell him to come in"

Tell who to come in?

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Sofia asked, pure shock painted 

Felice was here.


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