19. Attack is A Form Of Defence

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Sofia went to the police station with several things stored safely in her backpack.

-Clothes in case she had to be homeless and on the run again.
-Anastasio's knife in case she had to leave the police station with Paul. She would never let him take her back to the States.
-The phone with the video that Carl gave her. It was now or never. Nadia is missing, she had to show the only evidence she had.


Alessandro entered the police station as if he owned the place. And maybe he did, Sofia thought. Because the moment he showed up he was greeted by the police chief himself and other police officers stood up just to greet him politely.

Paul was sitting in the interrogation room. He was pale, he looked sickly as if he hadn't slept in days. When his and Sofia's eyes met she took a deep breath. She could feel a pure hate he was feeling towards her. She on the other hand felt nauseous at his sight.

Subconsciously she moved closer to Alessandro who sensed her discomfort and reacted by wrapping his hand around her shoulder in a protective gesture. It gave Sofia enough reassurance to meet Paul's horrible eyes without breaking down and crying.

"Giannini Lamberto, Senior Chief Inspector. Thank you for coming. This is my good friend Amanda Morris. She has been involved as an American representative in the case of your disappearance, Sofia" the police officer introduce himself.

"If I understand the situation correctly you ran away from home to find your family and it turns out Mr. Ianniello is your brother, is that correct?" Amanda clarified.

"Yes," Sofia responded timidly.

"And I understand Mr. Bowen wants to give up his custody rights willingly to Sofia's biological family, right?"

"Yes," Paul confirmed in a dry voice.

"DNA test will be necessary to confirm your blood relation," Amanda said, "That being said until this doesn't happen Sofia should stay in the care of-"

"Francesco should be here any moment with tests results"  Alessandro wouldn't let her finish.

"When did you manage to-" Amanda started speaking but was interrupted by Giannini's clap of his hand.

"That's excellent!"

"I also must insist on interviewing Sofia face to face" Amanda continued.

Oh, good. That will be a perfect opportunity to show her the video-

"As of now I still hold custody over her" Paul started in a hoarse voice. "And if you want to interrogate her you will do it with me being present"

"Mr. Bowen it is really important for me to learn Sofia's story without a third-person who could influence-"

"What are you suggesting" Paul started asking in a challenging voice raised his voice and started getting out from his chair. This is when Alessandro intervened.

"Mrs. Morris my sister is a minor I don't see why we should allow her to meet with you alone"

„Alright. Sofia, is there any reason why you've left Paul's place? Don't be scared no matter what your answer is no one will hurt you" the woman assured her.

Sofia didn't believe in her words for a second but she had nothing to lose. She needed to do this for Nadia.

"Yes," she said ignoring the surprised looks she received. She took the phone out of her pocket. "Here you will find the video of Paul murdering my mother" when she said that she could say Alessandro grip tightening on her shoulder. She said it in such a weird voice she could barely recognize it as hers. Did she really just say?

Paul's reaction was instantaneous. He tried to stand up and throw himself at her.

Sofia in a desperate gesture took out the knife she was keeping in her pocket.

She will defend herself from him this time.

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