57. Apple Pie Life

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On the next morning when Sofia went downstairs, she was greeted by Francesco's warm smile. He hugged her tightly and she returned the hug. She missed him a lot.

Here's the thing. Francesco came back home on Wednesday night when she was asleep. On Thursday the whole fiasco with her escape from school happened. On Friday she had finally a chance to enjoy his brief presence after a prolonged absence.

"I missed you," Sofia said softly. "How was your trip to Madrid?" She asked.

"I missed you too" he replied, smiling and letting her go out of the hug "The trip was boring. Like most of the business-related things. I need to take you with me next time," he said, he was in a good mood today.

"W-wait, really?!" She asked unable to hide her excitement. He chuckled.

"Of course. At least I will be able to show you around the city" he pointed out.

"You guys are so cute I feel like puking," Valentino said bluntly while sitting on the kitchen counter and snacking on an apple.

That one knew how to ruing the moment.

"Aren't you going to say hi at least?" Francesco asked flatly.

Valentino took a bit chunk of apple and said "Yo" in a muffled voice. Sofia couldn't help but giggle at Francesco rising his eyes into the sky and probably praying for patience.

A second later Francesco's attention again focused on Sofia. "Oh, you're wearing the watch" his face lit up.

Not like I have a choice. She wanted to say but decided it's better to not start complaining right now.

"It was your idea wasn't it?" Sofia realized that's probably the case since Francesco was the tech-savvy member of their family.

"Don't sulk" Francesco advised "Alessandro wanted to lock you up in the house, so that watch is actually the best solution possible. It's for our peace of mind to make sure you won't disappear on us again"

"I won't disappear again" Sofia promised.

"You better keep your word" he warned, giving her a gentle poke on the forehead.

Sofia stupidly hoped that Alessandro will give her another chance and not force her into wearing that watch.

Spoiler alert: she was wrong!

"Alessandro, it seems like too much. You're going overboard" Sofia complained.

"Thank you for your assessment but in the future remember that I will ask if I need your input in my decision making" he replied patiently.

"What if I refuse to wear it?" It was risky to ask but she had to know.

"Sofia, I know that pushing boundaries is your natural response to a new guardian but you're not leaving the house without this watch on your wrist if you don't want to wear it homeschooling is always an option" he responded, Sofia didn't like this response.

"Wait, no, I will wear it," she said quickly.

"Arguing with me won't get you anywhere so for the future I'd advise cooperation," he said calmly and then he dismissed her from his office.

Yeah, so anyway. She was wearing that stupid watch for school. She was glad it was Friday. That day was very calm. Nothing particular was happening in classes people were shyly trying to approach her, Sofia didn't mind it at all.

When Sofia came back home she was roaming without the purpose of checking out every corner of the house like a tourist.

Well, she felt like a tourist. This house was a freaking masterpiece.

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