18. Sleepless Night

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Valentino was driving like a satan and Sofia at some point started to pray even though she wasn't a religious person she was thinking: Lord, please. Not today.

When they arrived Alessandro was already coming downstairs to meet them in the hallway. This man must have some sixth sense how did he know they will arrive just now?

"Have I given you my permission to leave the house?" He asked in a stern voice.

"Why do we need the permission?" Sofia asked, she shouldn't.

"Answer me" he responded firmly.


"That's right. I need to know where you are at all times. Sofia, may I remind you that you're still formally under Paul's custody?"

Sofia held down her breath. Her eyes widened in fear and she took a step back "I'm sorry please don't let him take me back to the States" she said now full-blown crying. To her surprise, she was quickly embraced by Valentino. She really appreciated his gesture and she hugged him back seeking comfort.

"Sofia" Valentino started, still in a formal voice "You're never going back to that man, no matter what you do. I reminded you about Paul because the case of your disappearance hasn't been closed yet. We need to settle the custody as soon as it's possible as soon as it happens you can go out as soon as you want"

"I'm sorry," Sofia said feeling guilty for making their life harder

"You should notify me about leaving the house but I'm not blaming you for anything else. On the other hand Valentino I will see you in my office and we will have a chat" Alessandro said, it sounded more like a threat and Valentino's embrace tightened, now he needed a hug.

"And Sofia"


"As long as you don't know how to swim please don't visit the pool on your own"

"Yes, sir" Sofia muttered, Alessandro turned away and started walking towards his office, Valentino followed him with his head down as if he was going to his own execution.


After she was left alone Sofia went to her bathroom and had an opportunity to finally look in the mirror. She had dark brown eyes that mimicked the eye color of Ianniello's brothers but there was something that wasn't right. Her hair. Her brothers and mother had a natural light shade of brown or even dark blond hair color. That wasn't the case with Sofia she had a very dark, almost black hair color. Maybe she got that after her father.

She ended up changing into a pajama. Sofia really appreciated that Clara went shopping yesterday to get her some basic stuff. The clothes she ordered online will come to the house tomorrow, she was looking forward to having more than two sets of clothes.

She left the bathroom and quickly got to her bed, ready to fall asleep. The catch was that she couldn't fall asleep. There were just too many unknowns about tomorrow.

Sofia knew by now that her brothers weren't perfect but they seemed to care about her. She couldn't complain about them being overprotective, not now.

Besides, she was too busy being terrified that their best intentions won't save her from Paul. Her mind was a mess as she was trying to visualize what's going to happen tomorrow at the police station.

The moment she forced herself to not think about it another uneasy thought came: Nadia. Now that she had the phone and opportunity to speak to her as long as she could she should thank her and apologize again.

With that in mind, Sofia sat down in her bed and lit the night lamp.

She tried to call Nadia but no one was picking up.

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