43. Fake Friends

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"Valentino, what are you doing?" One of his friends asked as they were sitting in the school cafeteria.

"I'm giving my sister space" he explained to his friend. Valentino was not hiding the fact that Sofia was his sister. In fact, all his friends already knew about it. They also knew to keep their mouth shut about it.

"By staring holes in her boyfriend's back?" Domenico clarified.

"He's not her boyfriend" Valentino growled.

"Dude, I was just joking" Domenico said.

"What's so funny to you about my sister dating this loser? And who are you calling dude" Valentino with swift movement grabbed the boy by his shirt and pulled him towards himself. It was terrifying when he got mad, and he had quite a temper, which his friends knew very well about. When he was in an asked, he was in a bad mood like today, it was better not to push him unless you want to end up with a black eye or worse. Clearly a miscalculation on Domenico's part.

"N-nothing, I'm sorry" Domenico stumbled on his words as his friend was giving him the look that was saying shut up or else. But he let him go this time.

The truth was Valentino worried about Sofia.

"I was hoping she would find female friends not some weird nerdy dude to talk to I don't like him" Valentino said, very unhappy by the turn of events. "He clearly hits on her! What sort of name is this? Bruno?" Valentino continued venting, "I would call a dog like that, not a person. What if he drags her into drugs?!" Valentino asked

"Bruno and drugs? Like what? Asthma medication?" Paolo asked skeptically.

"Well if it's a name for a dog you can train him to behave around her" Domenico pointed out shyly.

He was right.

Valentino had to make sure Neri behaves around his sister. The only problem was that they were in the same class, and they spend every single minute together.

Well, one day. One day he will catch him alone, and they will have a chat.


After classes, Sofia was sitting in the car next to Valentino.

She didn't know how to start a conversation. The way he acted at the corridor hurt her, but she could never be mad for too long. It just wasn't in her nature. 

Sofia also realized why she didn't want to tell him openly about bullying. She was constantly worried that Valentino will find out that she's... lame. What if he stops being so nice to her after he finds out? It was a childish and stupid way of thinking caused by her own insecurities, but she couldn't help it. Anxiety was a bitch.

But regardless, Bruno was right, she should tell him. She should tell him about bullying because that's how she can find out if her fears were true.

"Listen, I have a problem. There's a girl in my class, and she's jealous of you" Sofia said awkwardly.

"What do you mean jealous?" Valentino asked with confusion, his eyes focused on the road.

"She likes you. To the point she got mad at me because I came over to your table that day when we first met" Sofia explained awkwardly, playing with her hands.

"What is she jealous of? You're my sister" Valentino was very amused. 

"I know that, and you know that, but she doesn't know that, and when you pretended that you don't know earlier this day she got the wrong  idea that I'm lying"

Valentino started laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. "Tell her I'm not interested in little girls. Only mature women can handle me" he grinned.

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