7. Song One Out Of Two

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I sit up in bed and hold my upper body up with one of my forearms.

I bring my hands up to flip my warm pillow over to the cooler side.

I fluff said pillow before laying back down in my bed.

Unfortunately, I am only still for a few moments before flipping onto my other side.

I attempt my best at sleep,again.

I am still for a few minutes only to flip onto my back when I realize that I am not going to get any sleep tonight.

While on my back I briefly glance over towards Sean.

Sean is deep asleep on his stomach. He is in such a deep sleep that he is snoring on the louder side.

It must be great to get some sleep after celebrating all night with your friends, not even bothering to contact your girlfriend at all.

I roll my eyes at the sight of him.

I could be using this anger towards much better projects.

A lightbulb goes off in my head at this suggestion.

I waste no time pushing the white duvet cover off of my body and swinging my legs over my side of the bed.

As soon as I stand up from said bed I make my way towards my closet where I end up sliding  a grey pair of sweatpants over my night shorts.

I slip a thin white jacket over my tshirt, deciding to leave it unzipped.

Before I leave my closet I slip on a pair of vans and turn the light off behind me.

I exit the bedroom only to enter the dark living room.

The only light entering said room coming from the moonlight that is streaming through the window.

I quickly make my way through said room until I reach the front door.

I retrieve my car keys from the table near said door. I unlock the door and pull it open, briskly exiting it before shutting it behind me.

A cold breeze kisses my face as I make my way towards my car.

I guess it truly is fall now.


My pale knuckles continue to hammer against the glass the door, only pausing once I hear someone unlocking the door from the other side.

The large cloudy glass door swings open to reveal an extremely tired Bea.

She appears to be so tired that she cannot be bothered to even open her eyes all of the way.

"It's five in the morning, Delaney." My blue haired friend informs me with a monotonous tone

To be quite frank she already seems like she wants to close the door in my face already.

The cold autumn air brushes past us causing her to tighten her grey knitted blanket around her shoulders.

"Is your boyfriend here with you?" I hurriedly ask her, not wishing to waste much time

She uses one of her hands to point behind her.

Possibly in the direction of their bedroom.

"Yeah, he's still sleeping. Why?" She answers, her eyes still closed


I waste no time and reach my hand out to grab ahold of her exposed wrist, dragging her out of her house.

I make sure that I close the door behind her before dragging her towards me car.

I am assuming that my spontaneity takes my best friend by surprise considering her utter shock at my reaction.

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