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Sunflower, Sunflower
Louis' pov

"Louuu please come on. Well be there with you, the whole time." Niall whined.

Niall and Liam were my two best friends. And my two only friends. Not that I cared. I was happy with having the two of them as my only friends.

Somehow Niall managed to get tickets for a meet and greet with some famous singer. Harry Styler or something like that. Apparently super famous. And hot, Nialls words! Not mine.

I didn't care if he was famous or not. I hated crowded places. I hated when people talked to me.

You see the thing is, i don't talk. Never did since I turned fourteen. I hate crowded places cause people will try to talk to me and think I'm rude when I don't say anything back. I hate it. I try my best to be polite but it's hard.

Only Liam and Niall, my family and my daughter have heard my voice. Well Liam and Niall more then my daughter but that's beside the point.

Yes, i have a daughter. Darcy. And I love her with my whole heart.

When I was 17 my, then, girlfriend got pregnant. We were excited about the pregnancy but after Darcy was born she left me. she just didn't want to be with me anymore. I was 17 and a teenager who always dreamt of having a family so I did it all alone. We had lots of ups and downs. And a shit load of trouble with money but Liam and Niall were always there to help me. Liam was 18 and Niall was 15 at that time but they were my best friends and they never left my side.

At one point, when my parents kicked me out of the house they picked up extra shifts at their jobs to help me pay for all the stuff I needed. Liam even picked up a second job to help me pay rent for a small apartment I had back then. Luckily I got to live with Niall for a few months. So I didn't have to pay that rent anymore, but after a while I wanted to live by myself again. So then i rented another small apartment just outside of downtown London. It's small but it is something. It's also not that expensive.

Darcy's mom, Eleanor Calder, left after Darcy was born. She didn't like me anymore and said things wouldn't work out if I never talked. Which is a rude thing to say may i add. She just got her stuff and left. Without a small goodbye to her daughter, or me. Darcy is now three years old and knows the full story about her mother. And why she isn't here anymore.

Niall is a huge fan of the singer and somehow got Darcy to listen to his music too. So I had a whining nineteen year old and a whining three year old on my sleeve. They wanted me to go to that stupid meeting shit too.

I kept shaking my head, signaling a 'no' but they kept trying.

"Lou, you can't lock yourself and little Darcy up here forever. Please, go to that meet and greet with us and have some fun" i rolled my eyes. Great Liam was turning against me too.

"Please dawdy?" Darcy pouted at me with her bright blue eyes. And how could I resist that.

Darcy was absolutely adorable. Big bright blue eyes, soft dark brown curles and bright red lips. Yeah she looked a lot like me. Just like her personality. Sassy. That's what we both are. That's what you get from growing up with me. Louis Tomlinson. I used to talk a lot, Niall said I was known as the sass master from Doncaster. I don't remember much from how it used to be. I tried to forget about all of it.

"Come with us to meet Harry Styles please?" Darcy kept trying. Putting on a really cute pouting face and big puppy eyes.

'Fine' I signed 'but don't make me talk or leave me alone in the big crowds of people'

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