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Let me inside
third pov

Louis' eyes fluttered open. He was in a room he didn't know, which was already a big red flag.

He looked around and saw the boy with the green eyes. Staring at him from his position on the couch. His eyes widdened and he stared at him for a few seconds.

Louis scrambled into the corner of a couch and closed his eyes.

Liam saw it and quickly stood up to comfort Louis. "Lou calm down, it's alright, it's fine" Liam said as he hugged the small boy.

Harry told Niall that he would go back to the fans for a little bit to give Louis some space.

Lucky for them he quickly understood that Louis didnt like people who he didnt know so he let him be with his friends to calm down.

'Who is that?' Louis signed.

"Thats the famous Harry Styles. The man we were supposed to meet in a normal way today. But you had other plans." Niall laughed.

'Oh my god im so sorry. I ruined your chance on meeting him' Louis tried to apologize.

"You didnt! He litteraly sat next to me for 10 minutes and i talked to him. I should actually thank you" Niall exclaimed.

'Well okay then.' Louis smiled.

"Oh and he touched you, you are officially holy ground now" Niall giggled

'He did what?' Louis' eyes widdened at the words 'why did he touch me?'

"Someone had to carry you all the way here dummy" Liam laughed

'Why here though? Why didnt you take me home?' Louis signed with a questionable look on his face.

"Niall couldnt even carry you for the 200 meters from the place you passed out to here so that would've been impossible." Liam told Louis while standing up and grabbing another water bottle from the refridgerator Harry just grabbed them from.

Liam told Louis a quick version of what happened and Niall kept looking at the door, wanting his idol to come back. Darcy kept sleeping but none of the boys minded.

Liam glanced at his watch. "Harry could be back any second now. Lou dont freak out okay? Harry means no harm and we will be by your side" Liam handed Louis the water bottle

'Okay, thanks' Louis signed and smiled at Liam before popping the lid of the bottle and drinking at least 1/4 of it

"Dont drink to much or you get hicups again." Niall shaked head at his best friend.

Louis laughed a little and moved a bit in his seat which made Darcy cuddle closer into him.

The door softly opened and it showed Harry and another man with raven black hair, they were laughing about something.

Louis locked eyes with Harry again and a blush crept on his cheeks.

"Hi Louis, you're feeling any better?" Harry asked in a happy voice. Still trying to keep her voice down cause he knows Darcy is still sleeping.

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