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I couldn't want you any more
third person pov

Louis and Harry arrived at Nialls apartment to pick up Darcy when they were suddenly startled by screaming girls outside of the car.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" Harry mutters. He quickly locks the car doors.

He looks through the darkened windows and sees camera flashes everywhere. Screaming girls start to surround the black car and Louis presses his whole body into the car seat. Worriedly looking at his surroundings.

"Fuck, I'll call my security team to help us out" Harry grabs his phone out of his pocket and dials the familiar number.

"Hey, uh, I need your help. The car is surrounded by paps and fans and, well, I need to get out" Harry rambles on and on about the situation. The person on the other side of the line mumbles something and Harry quickly tells him the address and to be there fast.

Louis props his legs up on the car seat and holds his hands over his ears. "Oh Lou, I'm sorry. I didn't know they would find us so fast" Harry rubs the smaller boy over his back.

Louis raises his head "Not your fault" he tells Harry in a really quiet faint whisper before he puts his head back between his knees.

"Security will be here in a few minutes" Harry tells him, trying to calm him down.

Harry puts on music to drown the voices of the fans around the car away and grabs his phone.

"Lou can I lend your phone? I have to tell Niall to stay inside and I don't have his number" Louis nods and Harry grabs his phone.

"What's the password?" Harry asks. Louis reaches for the phone and puts his password, Darcy's birth year, in. Harry smiles softly and searches for Niall's contact.

Harry calls Niall and tells him to stay inside and keep Darcy busy and explains the situation, Harry gives Louis the phone and Niall and Louis quietly talk for a bit until they say their goodbyes.

After a long lasting couple of minutes the crowd has made a little more space around the car and the sound has died down quite a bit.

"I'm sorry Louis, I didn't know they would find me so quickly. If I knew I would've called my security beforehand" Harry sighs and looks at the small boy with a apologetic look on his face.

"s not your fault" Louis sniffles and lays his head back against the car seat.

"Yeah, still sorry. My security is almost here and they will make a path so we can get Darcy, is that okay for you?" Harry asks him.

"Yeah, 's fine" Louis nods.

"Okay great, I'll stay beside you the entire time yeah?" Harry smiles at the boy.

"Thank you haz" Louis smiles back and looks through the window.

Harrys security arrive quickly and a path through the crowd is made. Harry securely lead Louis through the crowd with a hand on his lower back. Together they make their way inside Niall's place.

Louis lets out a deep breath when the front door closed behind them, the noises from the fans outside fully gone now.

Louis looks around and soon smiles when he sees the familiar head of hair running towards him.

Darcy leaps into Louis' arms and holds him tight. "I've missed you a lot" the small girl wraps her little arms around her dads neck. "missed you too" Louis smiles and kisses her head.

Niall hands Harry the small, pink backpack full off Darcys stuff and pulls him in for a hug.

"Thank you for taking such good care of Louis" Niall tells Harry. "No problem, he's a great guy, he deserves it"

"He is yes, he is" Niall nods.

The three say their goodbyes, quickly get in the car and head back to Louis' apartment.

Darcy sings along to Harry's songs on the radio, Louis films all of it. Harry smiles and taps his fingers on the steering wheel, matching the beat of his songs.

"Lou? You know, I'm going on tour soon and maybe you two would like to come down to one of my shows in London? If you would like that" Harry looked at him.

Louis grabbed his phone and begin typing in his notes.

'I would love to Harry but I'm not good with crowds and I know it's gonna be very busy there, and I don't think I could afford the tickets..'

Harry read the note and turned towards the boy "Lou I'm inviting you two so obviously you won't have to pay for any tickets and I can make sure you're in the friends and family section, it's not that busy there. My mum and sister will probably be there but that would be about it."

Louis looked at him for a few seconds before he nodded and typed again

'Ill think about it, I know Darcy would love it and so would I but I don't know..'

"Ofcourse Lou, let me know yeah? And you can also ask Niall if he wants to come too!" Harry said while parking the car in the parking lot of the apartment complex.

"I will" Louis said.

Harry grabbed Darcys stuff while Louis got her out of the carseat Harry installed in the car. Together they hurried inside


Took me half a year whoops but I'm back and I'm gonna try to update more!

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