Past: Concord, Massachusetts: 1862

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Concord, Massachusetts: 1862

The 5 March sisters were walking arm in arm through town. Beth. Jo. Andy. Meg. Amy

Andy was carefully tucked between Jo and Meg to prevent the younger girl from trampling through the snow.

Meg bemoaned, "It is so hard to get back to work after such good times"

Beth laughed, "Oh I wish it was Christmas every day. Or New Year. Wouldn't that be exciting?"

Jo scandalized, "We are a bunch of ungrateful minxes" causing a cacophony of denials and shock.

Amy griped, "Well Andy and I have to go back to school and I don't have any limes. Andy won't share her hoard"

Jo was confused, "Limes?"

Amy tried to explain, "All the girls traded pickled limes and I'm in debt. I owe ever so many limes"

Grumbling Andy reached under her skirts to the pocket of the trousers underneath. Fishing some coins to give to her sister.

Meg gasped trying to pull down her sister's skirt, "Andy! It's not proper to wear trousers outside the house!"

Holding out a couple of coins, "Will this do?"

Amy happily accepted, "Andy! Thank you. Between this and the drawings, I will wipe out my debt."

Jo squinted, "What drawings?"

Andy tried to cover for her sister, answered monotonously, "Nothing."

Beth sighed in relief, "I'm just glad mother doesn't make me go to school with all those girls"

The sisters broke away to separate destinations.

Beth with Meg to do some errands. Jo with twins to drop them off at the girls' school.

Before Jo could walk away after dropping her sisters off, Andy followed her older sister bidding her twin save her a seat.

"Wait, Jo! I have to give Aunt March her Christmas gift" Andy waved a plain box over her head.

Jo walked with her confused, "Why? Aunt March is a mean old lady"

Andy just rolled her eyes, "But she's family"

The two jumped the wooden fence to their Aunt March's grand home.

To make it to class Andy ran to the sitting room where Aunt March spent her free time, "Dearest Aunt March here's your belated Christmas present!"

Before the elder March could refuse Andy had already pecked her on the cheek and placed the present on the woman's lap.

"Oh!" The elder woman was scandalized as the youngest March stole a peck from her. Watching the child run off as fast as she came.

Carefully unwrapping the box the elder woman was greeted by the sight of golden dainty spectacles decorated by shiny beads.

Jo leaned over the elder March to see what was inside the box. And she could have sworn that she saw a smile on the usually grumpy face of her Aunt.

Girls school

Although Andy ran as fast as she could, she was still late to class.

Quietly making her way to the empty seat beside her sister, Andy immediately noticed the subdued behavior of her twin.

Making sure that Mr. Davis was occupied, copying problems from a book, Andy leaned over to whisper, "What's the matter? Do you need more money?"

Amy just lowered her head in mortification, "Mr. Davis caught me making a funny drawing of him and he wants to see me after class"

Unsent Letters: Theodore "Laurie" Laurence/ OFC Where stories live. Discover now