Present: Plumefield Academy: 1871

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Plumefield Academy: 1871

In Aunt March's mansion stood the new Plumefield Academy. Inside Jo is supervising a great number of rambunctious girls and boys of all races and ages. They are finishing lessons for the day, and everyone runs outside at full speed.

Jo makes her way down the stairs and is handed a homemade cake by one of the children. She kisses him on the head and continues through what she's built. Every inch of the school is covered with the students' work, all of the former stuffiness is gone.

She's in her heaven.

Jo walks past Friedrich's classroom, all the students with their violins learning from him how to play. They smile at each other and she continues out.

She hears and sees Beth teaching her own students on the piano.

Jo walks past Laurie giving a fencing lesson, while also holding his baby. Jo shook her head at his boyish antics.

Andy was holding an identical baby lecturing on a chalkboard the importance of financial savings

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Andy was holding an identical baby lecturing on a chalkboard the importance of financial savings.

Amy was conducting a painting lesson with Fred as one of the students, Meg supervising children in a play rehearsal, John led a botany lesson.

They all join Jo as she troupes down the lawn.

Leading a procession of children and family behind her, and holding the cake, Jo and the group arrive upon Father, teaching the very young children the alphabet by having their bodies form the letters, and also Marmee, who is having each child read aloud in their best dramatic reading voice.

Jo presents her mother with the cake, and all of them, Amy, Fred, Meg, Jo, Laurie, Andy, John, Friedrich, Father, and the children, wish her a happy birthday. Jo looks around at the group, so happy she was able to be alive with them, so amazed.

Unsent Letters: Theodore "Laurie" Laurence/ OFC Where stories live. Discover now