Past: Concord, Massachusetts: 1862

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Concord, Massachusetts: 1862

Jo was neatly stacking her novel up in their shared room.

Andy was watching her older sister from her bed hanging her head upside down, "Why is it that I can't come again? Teddy invited me"

Jo opens her cabinet carefully placing her novel underneath her clothes, "The show is for 14-year-olds and above Andy. Teddy forgot to check the age restrictions"

Andy sat upright nodding in understanding, "That's fair. But you know Amy won't be happy"

Jo sighed walking down the stairs, "I know. I can hear her from up here"

The younger twin hopped down the stairs.

The sight of Meg pacing back and forth met them, "I can't find my other glove"

Andy tried to stay away from the chaos and sat on the steps of the stairs, "Take mine Meg"

Amy observed, "You're going somewhere with Laurie I know it"

Uh oh. Andy prepared herself for her twin's upcoming tantrum

Jo tried to commandeer the conversation before it escalates "Yes we are, now stop bothering"

"Have the tickets?" asked Meg.

Jo patted her pockets.

Andy twirled her way across waving the tickets, "Right here!" making sure to stuff them in Jo's pockets.

"Thanks, Andy"

Amy pleaded to her older sister, "You're going to the theater with Laurie! Meg, please can I come? please can I come?"

"I'm sorry dear but you weren't invited" Meg softly explained.

Jo immediately shot her down, "You can't go, Amy. So don't be a baby and whine about it."

Andy proceeded to sit beside Beth on the piano watching her sister's hands expertly dancing across the keys.

Meg tried to placate Amy, "Sorry but you weren't invited, dear"

Andy attempted to ease her twin, "And even if you were invited you have to be at least 14 years old"

Amy looked at her twin in disbelief, "You were invited?"

Jo linked arms with Meg and led her to the door, "Come Meg stop petting her"

Amy pleaded some more, "Please. Please. Please"

Andy counted in her head.




"UGH! You'll be sorry for this Jo March!" the sight of Amy's flying shoe hitting the floor met the sisters.

Meg laughed in amusement, "Amy"

"You will. You'll regret this!" But it was too late the 2 elder March sisters were already out the door.

Amy turned, face red with anger, "Stop looking at me like that!"

Beth and Andy watched as Amy marched upstairs stomping with every step.

Andy stood up abruptly, "Well that's my cue!"

Beth watched as her younger sister pulled up her nightgown showing that she wore a shirt tucked into trousers underneath. "Where are you going?"

"Mr. Laurence promised to show me how to conduct proper business and I intend to collect that promise." Tugging her shoes and tucking her hair under a bowler hat.

Unsent Letters: Theodore "Laurie" Laurence/ OFC Where stories live. Discover now