Present: Paris: 1869

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Paris: 1869

Amy walked inside the parlor room where Aunt March was lounging on the sofa sipping tea.

She was excited to share her news, "Hello Aunt March!"

Aunt March mixed some milk in her tea, "That Laurence boy was just here."

Amy's smile lessened, "He was?"

The elder March nodded her head in judgment, "What a disappointment he's turned out to be. It must be the Italian in him."

Amy frowned, "When will he be back?"

Aunt March harrumphed, "Hopefully not soon. What with your sister coming"

Amy stared in shock, "Sister?... Andy?!"

Aunt March proudly smiled, "Yes. Now that she has succeeded in her endeavors to be a businesswoman she has agreed for me to set her up with a proper wealthy gentleman."

Amy sat down at the revelation.

"Now what of the news with your Fred Vaughn?"

"I've just told Fred Vaughn that I would marry him."

Amy couldn't even properly celebrate her news at the thought of Andy engaged to a stranger.

Unsent Letters: Theodore "Laurie" Laurence/ OFC Where stories live. Discover now