Past: The Beach: 1862

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The Beach: 1862

The March sisters stood lined up as Laurie introduced his group to each other.

"This is Fred Vaughn and his sister Kate. Of course, you know Mr. Brooke"

Oddly enough Mr

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Oddly enough Mr. Brooke and Fred Vaughn were dressed in a three-piece suit. Compared to Laurie's more comfortable white shirt, red kerchief and suspenders, and cream trousers which were the more appropriate clothes for the occasion.

"This is Meg, Amy, Andy, Beth, and Jo"

Whereas her sisters were dressed in their most comfortable dresses, Andy opted to wear her trusty light white shirt and blue trousers, which were also held up with suspenders

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Whereas her sisters were dressed in their most comfortable dresses, Andy opted to wear her trusty light white shirt and blue trousers, which were also held up with suspenders.

Whereas her sisters were dressed in their most comfortable dresses, Andy opted to wear her trusty light white shirt and blue trousers, which were also held up with suspenders

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An English accent called out, "So pleased to meet you"

"Oh, how elegant~" There goes Amy, walking towards the newcomer, "I'm Amy March. You remember that name I'm gonna come find you one day in London"

The two shook hands staring at each other.

The Vaughn heir, with a shy smile, was charmed by the young lady, "Oh I certainly will"

Andy proceeded to launch herself on Teddy's back prodding him to give her a piggyback ride, "Heave my trusty steed!"

"Ow! Andy!" Teddy laughed as Andy lightly yanked his hair.

Meg swatted her sister's bottom, "Behave!" But it was too late, Laurie and Andy had already raced off laughing as Jo tried to push them over.

Meg, Beth, and Amy took turns flying the kite.

Mr. Brooke, Fred Vaughn, and Kate Vaughn conversed to the sides.

While Laurie, Jo, and Andy played tag along the shoreline.

Teddy untied his red kerchief and used it to tie Andy's unruly hair in place.

Teddy untied his red kerchief and used it to tie Andy's unruly hair in place

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Throughout the day the group traded off to interact with each other.

Andy was now beside Amy attempting her hand at drawing. Amy peeked over her twin's shoulders, "What are you drawing?"

Andy showed Amy a sketch of Laurie's face. Because Amy could see his features on the elegantly sketched paper. It seems like the twins shared the same talent in artistry but Andy chose to pursue her dreams of being an entrepreneur instead.

"Can I borrow your paints later? I wanna get the exact color of Teddy's eyes"

Amy smiled at her sister's interest in their childhood friend, "Sure!"

Taking a break, Andy took her shoes off to hop along the waters with Jo.

Teddy sang from behind them, "~I know something you don't know~" Successfully catching the sisters' attention.

"Tell us this second" Jo and Andy chased after Teddy.

"Has Meg perhaps mislaid a glove?"

Jo and Andy bracketing the young man between them smacked his arms

"Mr. Brooke has it!" "Mr. Brooke stole it!"

Teddy nodded to Jo, "Yes" and shook his head at Andy, "No"

Andy demanded, "How do you know?"

Teddy rubbed his arms in pain, "I saw it"

Jo asked, "Where?"

"In his pocket"

Andy interrogated, "All this time?"

Teddy just made fun of the two, "YeS. IsNt It RoMaNtIc"

The sisters stomped in frustration, "No. It's horrid"

Teddy reasoned, "I thought you'd be pleased"

Jo explained, "At the thought of anybody coming to take Meg away?"

Andy shook her head, "No thank you"

Teddy stepped closer to the two, "Both of you would feel better when somebody comes to take you away"

Jo grumbled, "I'd like to see anyone try"

Andy pouted, "Not before I become a successful businesswoman"

"I would like to see someone try as well" Teddy tried to tickle the girls but was rebutted as the sisters worked together to push him away.

Jo marched off to blow some steam while Andy watched Teddy walk towards the group.

"Humph!" Andy turned to join Jo in skipping rocks.

The group of young men and women spent the rest of the beach day playing, running, and making memories that they will carry to their adulthood.

The group of young men and women spent the rest of the beach day playing, running, and making memories that they will carry to their adulthood

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Unsent Letters: Theodore "Laurie" Laurence/ OFC Where stories live. Discover now