20. Down the Trail

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We arrived at Luke's a little bit late because somehow I managed to forget to take the sleeping bag with me and we had to go back to get it. Thankfully, we lived quite close to Luke's, so it was only ten minutes past one when Mom parked her car on the side of the street, right behind Mr. Jenkins'.

I immediately spotted Sky. He was talking with Luke next to the trailer, looking excited and sparkly, as always. I smiled at the sight of him, and nearly forgot to get out of the car.

"Max?" Mom called for me, and I snapped out of my daydreams.

"Coming, coming!" I hurried to say and exited the car with her.

As we walked to the rest of them, waving and exchanging hello's, I barely registered the rest of the people. I could only see Sky. But then my mom stopped me.

"It's so nice you're letting our kids use your bike," she was speaking to Mrs. Frost. "Max was really bummed about the project up until now."

I forced my eyes off Sky after waving at him and turned to look at the tall woman in front of us.

And I immediately froze. Mrs. Frost was, uh... a big woman. Someone could've told me Luke's parent was transgender. I tried to act naturally, but I was already almost panicking. I had no idea how to address her! Or him?

"You must be Max," he said with a smile. No! I meant she! She was wearing women's clothes, so that had to be a clue. Please, God, let it be a clue or I'd hurt her feelings...

"Yes," I said, my mind completely drawing blanks. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Frost," I added, choosing my words very, very carefully. I was developing social anxiety really fast at that moment

"Oh! Aren't you a polite little angel!" she spoke and chuckled. "But it's all right if you call me Gwen. My wife is the real Mrs. Frost, and I get so confused when someone calls me that."

"As you wish," I nodded. "Gwen," I said, feeling much better now that I at least had the right name.

"Alice, I'm jealous! Your son is such a sweetheart," Gwen chuckled.

"He's just scared shitless, dad," Luke shouted at her – or was the right pronoun he now? I was getting really confused.

"Oh, shut up, Luke," Gwen laughed. "Why didn't you tell the poor boy about me, then? You like harassing your classmates?"

"Yup," Luke said matter-of-factly.

"Don't mind him, dear," Gwen told me, patting my shoulder. "You can call me Gwen and use whatever pronouns you want. I would prefer female pronouns, but I don't get mad if you use male pronouns. I mean, Luke calls me 'dad'. I think it's easier for him, and I'm completely fine with it. I understand it is hard to get used to my appearance."

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