1. The New Kid

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I was in our backyard, holding my phone in front of me. It was Tuesday morning, and I had the feeling I was supposed to be somewhere, but I was too busy trying to take a picture of a baby hedgehog that had strolled right in front of me. He was carefully coming closer, and I held my breath in excitement, but then...

"Skyler! What are you doing?!" My mom's voice interrupted me.

The baby hedgehog scurried off to his mom, and I sighed.

"I was trying to take a picture," I muttered, getting up on my feet and hoping I had managed to get at least one good shot.

I took a step back and nearly tripped on a bag. Why was it there?


I was supposed to be on the school bus already!

"Are you kidding me?!" Mom yelled. "I told you to go straight to the bus stop! You're going to be late!"

"Sorry, Mom!" I grabbed the bag, ready to run all the way to school if I had to.

"Come on! I'll take you!" she yelled at me with a frown. "You'll just end up getting distracted again..."

I gave her an apologetic grin as I ran to her on the porch. She hurried to get her keys and a jacket.

"You're lucky that I'm sick and not at work! But if I vomit in the car, you clean it up!" she joked – at least I hoped she was joking.

I followed her to the car and hopped in while she sat down behind the wheel. She did look a little pale after a sleepless night.

"I'm sorry, I really am," I told her, feeling bad for making her give me a ride when she wasn't well.

"Don't worry, I'm feeling better already," she said. "But you've got to start paying attention. We've been living here for a month and you've already had detention! Twice!"

I nodded in misery. My teachers thought I was skipping classes on purpose, but the real reason was that I got easily distracted. I liked school and wanted to study, but it was hard for me. I just forgot where I was and what I was supposed to be doing if I found something interesting.

And to make things worse, I was still new to this place. It had been hard to start in a new school as the new kid. I was shy, so it was hard for me to make new friends. I was kind of a geek too, so I wasn't exactly the most wanted friend either. I missed my old high school. I had friends there, people I had known all my life, but now they were at the opposite end of the country.

All because Dad got a promotion... I was happy for him, of course, and proud, but...

I sighed and looked down at my lap. This new school was different. It was filled with popular kids who only seemed to care about fashion and trends and celebrities. I was the only goofy kid who crawled in mud or climbed trees. I liked nature, but I guess that made me a weirdo because all the kids here only saw their smartphones. Why did they even need so many selfies?

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