4. Sad Topics

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I heard the conversation on the bus. I was almost in tears when I heard the mean words about me. It hurt more than I could've imagined. I had expected people to start laughing, but to my surprise, no one did.

And then Max said I was his friend. I couldn't believe it... Soon, we arrived at the school, and everyone started gathering their things and getting up from their seats. I tried to see Max, but I was too short to spot him behind the wall of people.

I hurried outside and saw a glimpse of Max with his friends walking towards the entrance. I wanted to run after him and thank him for standing up for me, but I lost my courage when more people joined his little squad. I would only freeze if I tried to speak with him in front of everyone.

I followed him from a distance and even managed to get in the right class in time – only because Max had the same class with me. He was sitting in the middle of the room, and I kept peering at him the whole time. He always looked good, but when he smiled or laughed, he looked like an angel. I wouldn't have been surprised if God himself had appeared in our classroom to take him back to paradise where he belonged.

I tried to concentrate on the class, I really did, but when it ended, I couldn't even remember what we'd studied. I grabbed my bag and tried to follow Max, but I lost sight of him. By the time I got outside, he was gone again.

I sighed, still looking around. Absolutely everyone in the hallway had someone right next to them. I saw best friends and couples wherever I looked. They all seemed so happy chatting with each other, having fun.

Then there was me. The lonely, weird geek. I had enjoyed talking with Max, and it made me realize how much I missed having company. If only there was someone who liked nature too. Someone who wanted to talk about it, but it seemed like people thought talking about animals was too childish or something. It wasn't cool to talk about cats and dogs.

I wandered around the school while waiting for the next period to start, trying to ignore the big groups of friends. No one paid any attention to me, and even though it was better than being bullied, I still kind of wanted someone to notice me. I felt like a ghost haunting the place.

The rest of the day wasn't any different. I was too shy to talk with strangers, and no one was interested in starting a conversation with me. I had no idea why the loneliness was wearing me down so much. Maybe because I'd had fun with Max the previous day, and now I was alone again.

I wondered if Max remembered his promise to go shopping with me after his practice. When the last bell rang, I headed to the football field. There was a huge crowd of students on the bleachers. Some were doing their homework while the others watched the team warming up.

I found an empty corner and sat down to watch. I saw Max at the other side of the field with a couple of his teammates. Wherever he went, there were always people following him. What was it like to have so many friends?

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