82. The Life We Had

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I had no idea if I did the right thing by letting Stephanie take care of things for me, but I just couldn't even think about my options. I spent the entire weekend quite literally under Luke's arm, and suddenly I was unable to even decide what candies I wanted. Luke had to pick them for me. Every time I needed to decide on something, I started feeling nauseated. I did get to write "Property of Tap Dancer" on Luke's cast, which made me ridiculously happy, so the weekend was good, nonetheless.

Stephanie called me at least twice a day, but all we talked about was how my day had been, or what she had been doing. She was already looking for an apartment and a new job, and apparently things were looking good for her. We didn't talk about how my case was going, so I had no idea if things were looking good for me, but since I didn't even want to know, I never asked.

We had school on Monday, which was kind of a relief. Luke had permission to stay at home for the week, but he wanted to come to school, anyway. Gwen gave us a ride, so Luke didn't have to stress about using the bus, and promised to pick us up afterwards. Once we arrived at school, Max and Sky were already waiting for us, and they appeared in the parking lot while we were pulling Luke out of the tiny car.

"There always must be a handicap in our group..." Luke muttered as we started walking to the main entrance.

"It's probably going to me again once you're fully healed," Sky giggled, and Luke laughed shortly.

"Don't say stuff like that," Max spoke worriedly.

"Please – you know me," Sky said cheerily.

Max wasn't happy about his reply, but at least Luke seemed cheerier once again.

A lot of people came to us to ask Luke how he was doing. Everyone seemed bummed about our loss, but no one blamed Luke. It would've felt nicer if they hadn't basically accused that the rest of the team simply sucked.

We managed to get rid of the excess crowd on our way to our first class. Luke followed us since he didn't have any classes, and once we arrived there, he sat down on a bench, letting out a quiet grunt. It was clear that he was in pain again. I knew it wouldn't be a good idea for him to come to school, but no one stopped Luke Frost from doing exactly what he wanted, and right now, he wanted to keep me close. I wasn't complaining, of course, but I was still worried that the day would be too much for him and his knee.

I sat down next to him and leaned against his shoulder. "What are you going to do while we're in class?" I asked just to start a conversation.

"I'll head to the library and try to study," he shrugged. "Or read a book. I'm not really in the mood for studying..."

"Another chick lit?" Sky asked.

"A what now?" I chuckled, looking at Luke, who was squinting his eyes at Sky.

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