fourteen ✓ no control

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chapter ; fourteen

title ; no control

act one ; twilight

Isla was a good person ( mostly ) but she wasn't a perfect person and she had her downs. Today was one of them.

The teenager girl was leaning against her locker when she heard some girls, who would be considered popular, start to talk about herself — about Isla freaking Wilson. Now we won't go into detail on what they were saying because it didn't matter anymore to Isla.

Word after word was thrown around like the world was ending. No one seemed to care, they just let it happen. People who walked the halls would glance at the popular girls before glancing at Isla.

The warning bell rang, the class was ten minutes from starting, but no one made any movement to go to class. They were just memorized by the popular girls and the trash they were talking about.

— Let's get this straight though, the popular girl, was Rosalie Cullen! (and her family ) The girls who were talking trash were named Amy, Adele, and Ashley. They were the second most popular group of girls.

A glare was sent towards Amy, the one who had been talking the most, in fact, the one who started talking. Amy just locked eyes with Isla before looking back to her friends and laughing.

Once again, Isla just watched from afar as everything was going down. She rested her head against the coolness of her locker. Her fingers fiddled with the loose strings of her hoodie.

Isla didn't expect the next things. Not one bit. She wasn't ready either.

Alice Cullen. The name seemed to follow her everywhere she went, with every step. And now, the name had so gracefully tumbled off Amy's tongue.

Isla waited a few seconds to see where it was going — why Alice had been mentioned. And then it happened. The rude comments about the pixie girl were thrown around carelessly.

The teenager pushed herself off her locker and made her way to the group of three. Her knuckles were white and she had no patients anymore. Everyone could practically see the flames shooting from her ears.

Isla lifted her fist and swung, hitting Amy right in the nose. A sickening crunch sounded throughout the hallways, but Isla didn't pay any attention. What she did pay attention to was how fast she raised her fist again and swung, this time the girl being punched went stumbling to the floor.

The word "fight" was chanted over and over again but Isla heard none of it. The words slipped right through one ear and out the other.

The whole Cullen clan watched from across the hall as the two girls engaged in the fight. Edward grimaced as all the people around thoughts got louder and louder, to the point he wanted to yell at everyone. Jasper was becoming overwhelmed with all the emotions in the air. His eyes locked with Islas and he tried to control her emotion, dial the anger down, but it didn't work very well.

Alice Cullen so desperately tried to see the girl's future but nothing seemed to work. They were all empty tries.

Done with what was happening, Alice stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Islas's waist, pulling her off of the other teenager.

Isla only shook Alice off of her and moved down the hallway, some teachers came running, and then Isla was pulled into the office.


"You didn't need to do that," Alice spoke as she walked closer to Isla, the said girl waiting for her uncle or grandparents to pick her up.

"Y'know, I didn't care what they said about me. I cared about what they said about you." Isla countered back softly, her eyebrows raising at the girl—vampire.

"That still doesn't tell me why you did it," Alice spoke back, her voice not full of its normal excitement.

"I felt this urge like a bubble went pop inside my chest. I felt like it was just me and you and I had to protect you." Isla looked down at her feet, she watched as the rocks around her rolled every time she wiggled her foot.

There was a quiet pause. Alice didn't know what else to say. Did she say thank you? Did she ask the girl how she was since the two had practically started to ignore each other? It was some mumble-jumble stuff and she didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry you had to do that." Was what Alice mustered enough confidence to say.

"I'm sorry you had to watch. Bye Alice." Isla gave the Cullen girl a faint smile before moving to the passenger side of the pulled-up car.


"You punched a kid!" Tobias, her uncle paced the carpeted living room floor. Her grandparents were seated on the other couch — they didn't seem to upset that this whole incident had happened.

"I—she was talking about me, and Alice." Isla tried to defend herself.

"You're suspended! How does "she was talking about me, and Alice" justify that?" Tobias once again asked, for her uncle, he seemed to be the maddest out of everyone. But he had his reasons.

He wanted Isla to have a future, to be the girl she always wanted to be. And he knew she couldn't be that girl if she was acting out or fighting others.

Isla needed them to understand that she felt like she had no control over her body — but what could she say without someone thinking she had gone insane? She was pretty sure if she said "I didn't have a choice, my body just did it!" might not end well.

"I am sorry. But it happened. And we can't turn back time." Isla sniffled, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. She was more upset at the fact she was being yelled at, than the fact that her face hurt or the suspension and grounding she would receive.

"I'm sorry. But you're grounded. Maybe you can pick up some more shifts well yours suspended though." Her grandmother leaned over and placed her hand on top of her granddaughters.

There were no more words spoken that night, not even at dinner. It was deadly quiet and Isla hated it. She missed the loud chats and silly comments. But none of that seemed to happen since she came home.


Isla: Hey, can we meet up tonight? W think we need to talk.

Alice: I'll stop by?

Isla: One o'clock.

𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 ✓Where stories live. Discover now