extra ! the wedding.

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Isla knew she wanted to marry Alice Cullen. It was something her heart told her with every beat before she turned into a vampire. So that's why she had gone to Carlisle, he was technically the adoptive father of Alice, or a father figure at least.

"I want your blessing to marry Alice." Isla blurted out of now where, and if she was human, from her neck to the top of her ears would be a shade of red.

"You want my blessing?" Carlisle asked, his eyes shinned with something Isla had never seen before.

"Well, your practically her father. And she looks up to you like your her father. And — well — damnit, I need your blessing." Isla just kept talking, her vampire eyes widening at the swear she had blurted. "And I want you to officiate it!"

"You want me to officiate the wedding too?" Carlisle tried to wrap his head around all the words that had been thrown at him.

"Yes. I need your permission first. But I would like you to walk Alice down the isle — if she wants — and then for you officiate our wedding."

"Woah, you have this all planned out."

"It's like it's been in my head for forever." Isla admitted with a love sick smile.


Isla walked up to Tobias with a tie in hand, she wanted him to walk her down the isle at her wedding, and the tie would preferably be the one he wore during the wedding.

"Hey Isla! I was just about to give you a call, how are you?" Tobias twirled around to have his niece, a bright happy glimmer in his eyes.

"I'm good. You?" Isla was anxious, she wasn't sure how her uncle would react to her wanting him to walk her down the isle. She knew he accepted her, but she didn't know how he would react to the fact she was getting married, and that she wanted him to replace her father in walking her down the isle.


"Will you walk me down the isle?!" Isla cut her uncle off.

"Down the grocery store one? Sure." Tobias nodded his head and moved to walk with her down the grocery store isle.

"No. At my wedding."

"Your getting married?!"

"To Alice."

"To Alice?"


"Of course I will! Yay! Your getting married!"


Everything was set in stone, the date, the venue, even what the two brides would be wearing.

Now all that was left for Alice and Isla, was for them to actually get married.

"Have you written your vows?" Jasper and Natalie strolled into the room Isla was situated in. In the few years Isla had been a vampire, she had grown incredibly close with Jasper and Natalie, them being some of her favourite soon-to-be-siblings.

"I have." Isla nodded her head to Natalias question.

"Good. Your uncle is still going to walk you down the isle? Jasper here doesn't need too?" Natalie asked once more.

"No. But..."


Who would have ever thought that Jasper and Natalie would be Islas maid of honour, and Alice's best man. ( Jasper would be Alice's, and Natalie would be Islas for the day. )

"Are you ready?" Natalie finished up Islas hair, placing one last bobby pin in it.

"Yeah, I'm ready." Isla sighed.

"Your ready for this Alice?" Jasper questioned, even though he knew the answer, he could feel all her emotions and he knew by them that this was what she wanted.

"I'm ready. So ready." Alice smiled.

"You don't need me to drive the get away car?" Natalie asked.

"You don't need me to cause a distraction so you can get away?" Jasper smiled to his best friend.

"No, I want this, I'm ready."
"No. I'm ready, this is what I want."

"Then let's do this."


The music started and Jasper and Natalie were the first to walk down the isle first, hand in hand. They smiled and caught the eyes of the small amount of guests.

Alice was next, her arms was looped with Carlisles. The music continued and Carlisle placed a kiss to his adoptive daughters forehead as he left her to stand in front of everyone, himself moving to stand where he could officiate the wedding.

Then Isla walked down the isle, her own arm looped with Tobias's. Her dress was white, a pretty fluff that cut off at her knees. Lace was all around everywhere that made her pale skin pop. Once she was close enough, Tobias placed a kiss to her forehead and moved to sit down beside his parents.

"Today we are gathered here for the marriage of Alice Cullen, and Isla Wilson."


"I do."

"I do."

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