Chapter 51

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They managed to avoid going through the Poacher's village by going around instead. It added some time, but being caught wasn't a better alternative. When they were safely away from hearing distance, Aiden breathed.

"Phew. I'm glad that's over."

"Don't jinx it," she said. "We might have to go back at some point."

"Psh. I'm not going. I'm staying on the ship until help arrives. Screw that mess."

"You just wanna leave, don't you?" James said.

"They can throw me in prison for all I care. Just get me outta here."

"I thought you were all tough and stuff," Vera said. "Was that just a ruse?"

"I'm a wimp, not an idiot. I know how to use my brain."

"That's debatable."

They were approaching the river. James stopped.

"They're back," he said. "Alligators."

"Chalk it up on the list," Aiden said.

"What's that, number eight?" James asked.

"I lost count at one too many."

James took out his blaster. He aimed at the sand. It blew a bucketfull of grains in the air, disturbing the alligators. They hissed and groaned.

"What are you doing? Hit them, already!" Aiden said.

"They're still living creatures," he said.

"Yeah, with jaws that can rip a man's arm off. Just give me the damn gun!"

Aiden snatched it out of his hands and fired three quick shots. It didn't hurt the animals. It was enough to disturb them. They disappeared into the water.

"Great. That's where we're going," Vera said.

"It's getting late," Aiden said. "They'll leave us alone, right?"

Vera smacked her face like a fly landed on it.


"We can make it across," James said. "We just gotta be fast."

They moved down to the riverbank. James kept his blaster leveled. He saw some of the alligators swimming around. He fired at one, and they all went under. He repeated shots into the water as they dipped in.

"Will that work?" Vera asked.

"Sure. Don't swim like an injured animal."

Vera stepped into the water.

"God, I was hoping I would avoid this."

"At least we have the cure," Aiden said from behind. "I mean, we got... lucky..."


He turned around. That wasn't Judy saying his name. That was someone else.


"Aiden?" Vera said. "What is it?"

"Can you guys hear that?" He asked.

"I don't hear anything," James said.

"Stop shooting for a second!"

He stopped. He was up to his neck in water.

"We don't have time for this!" James said.

"Just shut up!"

He zipped his lips. They went silent.


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