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36 hours later...

"Am I free to go?"

Mark was sitting in the interrogation room. Even though he wasn't being interrogated, he sure felt like he was. Thelma cleared her throat and put down her tablet.

"No one forced you to stay. You were given a choice, and you chose to stay."

"We've been talking for a long time. We're about to go on a mission."

"One that I'm sure will bring back vivid memories of the home we lost before we found it again. I need to make sure you're of sound mind to lead this quest."

"I am," he said. "Like I said, we had our talk, and now I'm ready to go."

"We haven't even discussed the root of the issue. Out of everything we talked about, you avoid discussing your father--"

"My father has nothing to do with me. He's dead, and that's that. Now, I don't want to be rude, but we're burning daylight."

She pursed her lips. Mark changed his tone.

"I promise I'm okay. Really. There will be plenty of time to talk when we get back. They can't wait any longer."

She stared at him and marked the page without looking at it.

"Noted. You need to open up when you return. The sooner we can face these problems, the better you will feel. Sara has spoken with me, and she's doing well. You, on the other hand, are a tough nut to crack."

"My dad used to call me stubborn. I call it ambition."

"Depends on the context," she said. "You can go. Just don't get anyone killed on your first day!"

She sounded like a concerned mother, and that made Mark's blood boil. He left in a haste. She shook her head and put a final word.


When Mark reached the passenger hold, he saw everyone was geared up. Sara and James had their katanas and wolves at the ready. Vera and Rocco stood off from the rest. They chose to stay back and help survey the ship's surroundings. Cassidy was bouncing on the balls of her feet, doing a common academic practice of quick relays from wall to wall. Tim adjusted his uniform that he recieved at the request of Mark and Sara. Everyone was wearing some sort of Silver Suit. It was a blend of shades of gray, but they all looked important. Tim, Sara, and James wore the security uniforms. Cassidy and Mark kept theirs from the academy as a memoir. Aiden refused to put one on.

"It just doesn't feel right," he said. "I know I'm one of you guys, but I can't handle wearing one. I look like a puppet or something."

He agreed to wear a comm, at least. Mark looked at Sara. She looked tired, like she hadn't slept last night. He knew the feeling; he did the same.

"Sara, are you sure you--"

"Don't question me, or I might change my mind," she said. "Let's just get this over with."

Seeing the struggle in her face, he could tell she needed a change of scenery. Apparently, she had been through a lot in his absence. She refused to talk about it. Mark just agreed with a nod. Cassidy bounced over to them.

"We could be the first humans to set foot on Earth for hundreds of years! Isn't it exciting?"

"Sure," Aiden said. "We go from one place that was made against us to a place that kicked mankind's ass out the front door. Let's see how much this place hates us before we push our limit again."

"That's what we're doing," Mark said. "Just some simple recon. Study what's around us. Then come straight back. Some excitement would not be ideal."

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