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Time was against my overcrowding thoughts. Present in the room along with my psychically but my mind was living in the past. My brain wouldn't stop chanting the name; Charisma! Charisma! Charisma!. I needed to get to the bottom of this as soon as I get home.

"It was such a pleasant experience meeting you Alora" I heard my wife say

"Yes it is, despite the complexity in the situation I really do hope you stick around or at least visit you're welcome to anytime"

"You're hospitality has shown enough kindness for me. I don't want the accident to feel as if you're being forced to be a friend of mine" Alora said with a smile

"Oh no! That's not the case here dear. We really do mean it; you're welcome anytime"

"Time will tell but I do want to thank you both"

"We must also thank you, dear. We have to be on our way now, hopefully, we'll see you soon"

Mara and I exited the medical room together still locked hands.

"How was it?" Axel asks

"She's very well-spoken, son. We have to go now but we'll be back tomorrow."

Axel nodded.

On our way exiting the secret level floor I couldn't help shake the feeling off. Is she Charisma or is my mind tricking me?

By the front door, I could see my granddaughter Devine rush down to us.

"Granpa! Grandma!" she yelled

"Hi pumpkin," I said with a wide smile

Devine is only five years old but she was a very fast-paced learner while growing into her toddler stages.

I reached into my pocket and handed her a hundred-dollar bill.

"Why don't you use this to get yourself something nice okay?"

"Thank you, Grandpa!"

Running back up the stairs as she squealed in excitement. Mara and I both chuckled to ourselves and proceeded to exit the Mansion. The air felt a bit chilly as we walked back to our car whom our driver sat in the driver's seat waiting for us.

I opened the door for my wife to enter the car first before proceeding to allow myself into the car. With a slam I shut the car door; "where to sir?" my driver asks

"The usual, back to our mansion"

My driver's name is Barrett. We met after an old mission of mines. He was greatly injured by an enemy of mines and I decided to help him.

Mara turned to me; slightly squinting her eyes.

"Something on your mind?"

"Let's talk about when we get home okay?"

I brought her hand to my lips and placed a light kiss. The car ride was smooth yet quiet. There was barely any traffic on the way home; which I was grateful for. I wasn't in the mood to deal with a long ride home. Not while having to carry the baggage of my thoughts with me. I could tell the way I was being distant was bothering my wife. I really wanted to reassure her but I can't keep these thoughts to myself.


It was a convenience that Axel didn't live too far away from us. Within fifteen minutes Barrett was driving past the gates of the mansion. I waved at the guards out front who nodded at our arrival home.

Barrett parked the car near the front entrance,

"Thank you, Barrett. Please rest end enjoy the remainder of the day"

"You too as well"

I opened the car door, exiting the car. Mara got out as well we both. We both walked into our mansion and closed the door behind us.

"Now tell me, Manuel."

I sighed heavily. It's now or never.

"That girl isn't who she thinks she is"

Mara looked at me sort of confused.

"What are you talking about?

"Alora, she's not Alora. Didn't you notice it?"

"Maybe you're just stressed out Manuel. The accident has been a lot for all of us"

"No Mara! I know what I'm talking about! It's in the eyes! She's Charisma"

Mara's eyes widen when she hears the name.

"No Manuel...Charisma..she's"

"She's right under our noses"

Mara let out a deep breath

"I trust your words Manuel...but we need to know for sure...before jumping to conclusions"

"I'm thinking the exact same thing, Mara. A paternity test is needed."

"How will we get Farrell and Irena to agree to contribute to the test?"

"They'll do it. They've had hopes that their daughter would return. We can't just miss this opportunity to heal their hearts"

"When should we call them?"


I had hoped I was correct about all of this, Farrell and Irena had suffered so much pain and grief after the disappearance of Charisma. Tonight I'll find out what to do next. 


A loud baby cry echoes through the distance. Everything was a blur but I could see the slight objects. I continued to blink hoping for my vision to improve. A woman looked down on me with a bright smile as the summer sun.

"My gorgeous" was all she kept on saying

Am I the baby?

Crying was bursting through my vocal cords. I couldn't control it. Had I died and returned back? Back to someone who's happy to have me as their daughter. So I hoped but hope is all a distraction.

I was being lifted into another pair of arms, only this time it was a man. A man who was just excited. He didn't stop staring into my eyes. He looks so familiar...had I seen this face before?


My vision went all black but I could hear the whispering of someone.


A pain shot up into my gut like a blaze of fire.

"You're a horrible daughter!"

No! I'm back at home with my monstrous parents. The hot burning pain of the hitting was torture. I couldn't see nor move to help myself. I opened my mouth letting out a scream.

"Hey, Alora!"

Huh, suddenly I opened my eyes. I'm still here; bandaged and bruised. The only difference is these bruises are visible.

She looked at me with concern painted all over her face. I'm sure her name is Lilith.

"It's only a dream, Alora," She said

She rubbed my shoulder reassuring me with a weak smile on her face.

I couldn't stop trembling nor thinking about what I had seen.

Who or what is Charisma?





Authors Note

Woah! Things are starting to take a wild turn! What will happen next? 

What does Alora's dream mean? How will this affect her?

Find out in the next chapter 

Thanks for reading xx

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