29-Time's Up

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Lucy and Nash walked into the hall together.

"Nash Westler?" The security asked

"Correct. This is my partner." Nash said

Lucy winked at the security. The two passed through and walked into the hall.

They watched from the corner for Axel and Alora.

"I spot them," Nash said

"Where?" Lucy said

"The black and gold" Nash whispered

Lucy looked carefully. She noticed a small little girl standing by as well. Her heart beat faster.

There's no way..no..it's not true. Lucy thought to herself

"Lucy pay attention," Nash said


Nash rolled his eyes,

"We're not messing up tonight, come on let's go get some drinks and stay watch," Nash said


"You really do look beautiful," Axel said

"You've told me so many times I can't even count," Alora said giggling

Axel winked

"Actually I think the dress would look even better on the floor"

"Axel!" Alora slapped him playfully

"They have a bathroom, a private room if I must add"

"We're in a public place Axel and Devine's around" Alora whispered

"Devine is with my parents and Annika. My sister wouldn't let anyone go near Devine" Axel said

"Race you to the bathroom" Alora winked as she walked away

Two Hours Later...

"Axel get up," Alora said weakly

She stretched the pain from her sore back and picked up her dress from the floor. Alora gasped when she looked in the mirror, She looked like a mess.

Axel finally stood up and yawned before helping Alora fix her dress. He placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder before fixing back on his suit.

"Should I help you with anything else?" Axel asked

"It's fine, I'll fix my hair quickly just make sure Devine is okay" Alora smiled

They both quickly pecked each other and Axel went his separate way. Alora hummed lowly as she fixed her hair in front of the bathroom mirror. She ran her fingers through her hair trying to get it back into a neat low bun. When she was done she washed and dried her hands before smoothing her dress with her fingers.

As she was thinking of leaving a woman with red and black dressed walked into the bathroom.

"I'm almost done, sorry if I kept the washroom up," Alora said

"You know Alora... you should be real careful"

Alora turned around quickly

"How the hell do you know my name?!" Alora yelled

"There's alot of things you don't know," The woman said

The woman held out a gun but Alora quickly punched the woman in the face. The gun fell to the floor and slide into the corner of the bathroom.

Alora fought and tussled with the stranger woman.

Suddenly gunshots rang out and Alora quickly kicked the woman off of her.

When she got to the ballroom it was too late, All the lights were off but she could hear the screams, heavy footsteps running and bullets going off.

"Axel?!" Alora yelled but there was no response

The room was way too loud for him to hear. Alora ran through risking her life to find Devine in order to make sure she was safe. As Alora stepped closer, a hand grabbed her arm.

"Axel?' Alora said turning around

"Good guess but wrong!" The voice yelled

A heavy object banged against her head before her world went silent.


Axel ducked lowly as he ran across the ballroom. He had managed to spot Annika with Devine before the lights went out. The two escaped to the balcony so Devine isn't in danger's way.

Axel's heart pounded against his chest as he worries about Alora. He needed to run to the bathroom and check if she's in there.

"I should've never left her in there alone" He whispered to himself

All the lights finally flickered on, Axel scanned the room. There were wine glasses shattered everywhere. Fewer people since most ran out and escaped. Axel scanned each and every person but none of them were Alora. He quickly ran to the bathroom to check hoping she was still there.

"Alora?!" Axel yelled as he kicked the washroom door open

His yells echoed throughout the empty room. Alora wasn't in there

"No! No!" Axel ran out of the bathroom

"We need to go!" Axel yelled at his team

"Where's Alora?!" Mara yelled

"I don't know!" Axel screamed

Annika ran back inside with Devine. Throughout the noise, Annika managed to get Devine to fall asleep. She held Devine tightly,

Axel kissed Devine's forehead gently.

"Let's go!" Axel said

All of them ran out of the Banquet Hall but when they made it outside the dark night worsened. Oliver laid on the cold concrete by the car as a pool of blood surrounded him. He had been shot in the chest but by who?

"NO!" Axel screamed 




Authors Note 

Alora is gone?! Where is she?! Why was she taken? What really happened to Oliver?! How will this all affect the team?! 

Find out in the next chapters! Thanks for reading xx

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