48-Worries and Wonders

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"You bought us a house?!" Alora screamed in shock

"Yeah, I just thought it would be nice to have a house somewhere else," Axel said

"I'm surprised I don't even know what to say," Alora said laughing happily

"Come on let's see the house," Axel said

Axel held Alora's hand as they entered through the front door. It was dark as all the lights were off.

"It's dark," Alora said


All the lights came on. Alora saw the bright smiling faces of the team.

"I'm so happy you're home!" Lilith screamed

"Dad!" Devine yelled out as she ran to Axel

Axel lifted her up, playfully throwing her in the air and catching her.

"Devine! I've missed you, princess!" Axel said

"I missed you too," Devine said

"I missed you, sweetie," Alora said

Devine smiled widely

"Alora and I have to tell you all something," Axel said

"Oou some news," Cedric said

Axel glanced over at Alora as a need of reassurance. She nodded confidently and Axel went on to share the news with the team.

"We're pregnant! There's gonna be a little Santiago running around!" Axel yelled out

The room was filled with gasps and awes. Maybe everything was so soon but sure it did feel right.

"Congrats!" Lilith shouted hugging Alora

The team all went in for a group hug to congratulate.

"We should celebrate this good news!" Liam said

"I would but I am feeling really tired," Alora said

"We can always celebrate when you're up to it. Come on the girls and I will help you upstairs." Lilith took ahold of Alora's hand and the other women on the team followed.

"You're gonna be a father of two!" Phoenix said happily patting Axel's shoulder

"I know I can't wait," Axel said smiling widely

"Why don't you come downstairs to the bar for a mini celebration?" Liam said

"I'll join you guys down there," Axel said and with those words, they headed to the downstairs bar

Devine was neutral she had no idea what the word pregnant really meant or maybe it was the uneasy feeling in her stomach.

"Dad?" Devine said

"Yes, princess?" Axel said putting Devine down to stand before him

"What does preg—nent really mean?"

"Pregnant?" Axel asked

Devine nodded

"It means that Alora has a baby in her stomach. Each day it grows a bit bigger until its time to come out and see the world." Axel said

"If it grows every day isn't that a bad thing?" Devine asked

"No silly—Babies need to grow in order to be strong. It's like us we grow every day until we've grown enough." Axel said

"Hmm, really dad?" Devine asked

"Yes, princess. It's a good thing too! You're going to be a good big sister!" Axel said

"A big sister! Is it a little brother or sister?" Devine asked

"We don't know yet"

"I hope it's both! I'm gonna go say hi to the baby! Bye, dad!" Devine yelled out and ran up the steps

Axel was caught by surprise

BOTH?! He thought to himself

Axel decided to join the men downstairs for a short celebration. Sure he was exhausted but was super nervous about the baby news. He was going to be a father again and surely had no idea how to prepare for it.

Axel with the men...

"Ahh, the man has come!" Phoenix said loudly

Phoenix handed Axel a glass of sprite.

"What's in it?" Axel asked

"Sprite," Phoenix said

"We decided to stay off alcohol for a while. Especially after what happened to Alora." Liam said

Cedric nodded

"I appreciate you guys so much," Axel said before taking a sip

The men talked and talked for hours. They laughed and remembered the past and memories. It was nostalgic and a great time.

"I know we're having a great time but I really need to ask you a serious opinion," Axel said

"Sure go ahead"

"Should we keep the baby away from the world? I've been keeping Devine a secret for her safety but I'm terrified." Axel said

"Why?" Hunter asked

"I'll have to pass down the mafia in a few decades and that means I'll be putting my children in danger," Axel said rubbing his forehead

"You can always retire the whole mafia business and live a normal life," Cedric said

"Yeah exactly," Liam said

"My father worked endlessly to build this mafia. I can't just throw it away." Axel said

"Then keep it. Your children will be unstoppable. You're Axel Santiago and Alora is a Gravano. The world won't know what's coming ahead for them. Plus we'll all have children one day. They'll be powerful." Hunter said

After hours of endless sodas, laughs, tears and worries. The men were tired and decided to call it an early night.

Axel left and went upstairs to see his beloved Alora and his daughter Devine. He slowly opened the bedroom door and his soul was immediately touched. Devine laid snuggled closely to Alora. Her hand rested lightly on Alora's stomach. Axel closed the door behind him slowly and walked over pecking his two hearts in human form.

The next morning...

The bright golden light of the sun beamed from the clouds. Axel stretched his sore arms as he sat up. He smiled as he looked over at Alora who was still sleeping. Everything felt complete again. Axel pecked Alora's forehead gently,

"Wake up sleepy head" Axel whispered near her ear

Alora rolled over slightly to look at Axel. His hair was messed up from the sleep but she still thought he was the most beautiful man on earth.

"Good morning babe" Alora whispered

Devine was still asleep so whispering was necessary so they wouldn't disturb her.

"I need to ask you something Alora," Axel said

"What is it?" Alora asked

"Would you be okay with living in France for two years?" Axel asked

"Pardon?" Alora said

"Would you be fine with living in France for two years?" Axel asked again 





Authors Note

Axel wants to live in France! How will Alora react? Will she agree?

Will Devine be okay with being a big sister or will her mind change?

Find out in the next chapter! Thanks for reading!

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