44-Lust, Lies and Cries

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The hot hell temperature from the shower fogged up the bathroom mirror. As Celine glanced to see her reflection she couldn't see anything but a dull vision of herself. Her eyes were tearful and heavy she wasn't crying because Simone was dead. She was crying because she lost everyone who has been dear to her.

Celine finished washing the blood away and she watched the faint red water drain away into the sink. She got out her feet damp leaving wet footprints against the shiny wooden floor. Celine walked to her closet damp and naked into her walk-in closet yet again.

She didn't spend hours and hours putting together an outfit instead she threw on a simple black dress that hang towards her knees, black sunglasses to hide the fact that she broke down in tears and black gloves to cover her bloodstained nails.

Celine looked as if she was dressed to attend a funeral and I guess she was. The forever goodbye to her love. She was already welcoming the old Celine back; The Cobra waiting to find blood. She grabbed her black heeled boots and put them on quickly. Already set to leave her house Celine did just that.

She got into her car and drove silently to the hospital listening to nothing but the winds and her thoughts. Celine didn't know what to expect at the hospital or what awaits but she was ready.

Meanwhile...At The Hospital

Axel paced back and forth nervous to hear the news. The was a heavy question on his mind as well. Apart of him didn't want to force an answer but he wanted to make sure it was the right one.

Axel waited for about two hours now watching nothing but the footsteps of strangers pass him by. Doctors and Nurses didn't have any news on her as of yet. He didn't even have an answer for himself. Axel decided to check his phone to help the time pass. He saw a new message from his cousin Celine and decided to check. Axel played the recording and listened to it closely.

His jaw dropped as he heard Simone's words. How could she? Simone betrayed the whole family and a price must be paid with her life. Axel's grip on his cellphone tightened. He couldn't imagine all the things he'd do to damage Simone. She played with fire and chose to let the whole world burn down.

Axel got up and paced even more this time with anger on his chest. He shoved his phone into his pocket and decided it would be time passing to get the job done. As soon as he was near the hospital door exits, Celine walked in.

"Celine?" Axel said surprised

"Axel" Celine said

"Where did you put Simone? I need to get the job done." Axel whispered

"She's dead," Celine said

Celine was emotionless there was this cold presence about her. Axel pulled Celine into a hug because he knew his cousin better than anyone else. She would always push her feelings aside allowing herself to drown even more. Although she was a killing machine; deep down she was truly a human being with feelings. Celine finally broke down again, She cried out against Axel's chest. They both stood there not saying a word.

When Celine was comforted enough the two walked back to the waiting room where they both waited to hear news on Alora. A nurse finally came to Axel quietly.

"Are you here for Alora?" The nurse asked

"Yes," Axel said

"She's in surgery right now, the doctors have successfully removed the glass from the site. Just a few stitches. She'll be doing a full-body check for any damages and such. The doctor will inform you of the rest in a few hours" The nurse said

"Uhh...Thanks" Axel said

Axel was in disbelief, how badly did she hurt Alora?

Celine glanced at Axel

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