26-Forgive Them All

509 22 1

"You've changed! good" Annika said as she stood by the bathroom entrance

"What's the point of changing though Annika?"

"To look bad*ss" Annika said winking

Annika took hold of Alora's hand and started running out of the hospital. Alora followed behind.

"Here put this on," Annika said handing Alora a motorcycle helmet

"I didn't know you rode a motorcycle," Alora said as she fixed the helmet on

"I'm Annika also known as the Viperess"

Annika put on her own helmet and helped Alora fix the helmet on quickly before getting on the motorcycle. Alora got on as well and wrapped her arm around Annika for extra support.

"Hold on tight!" Annika yelled before driving off

Alora felt the wind blow as Annika drove through the streets of New York. It felt so surreal. After a thirty minutes drive, Annika parked near a motel.

"What are we doing here?" Alora asked

"There's a guy that owes me and he hasn't paid a cent back. I've been generous enough to give him months but still got nothing. Seen him buy alot of designer items so I know for sure he doesn't want to pay back." Annika said taking off the bicycle helmet

"So what's the plan?" Alora asked

"Go in. Kill. Exit" Annika said walking towards the motel

She managed to break in through the back emergency exit. Annika taught her how to hack into locks for emergency escapes and entries.

Alora followed Annika as she walked through the motel to his room. Annika used the same technique to get into his motel room.

"Annika?!" The guy yelled in surprise as he jumped up from the alcohol-stained couch.

"Shhhh it's not Annika. It's the Viperess"

"Wait..wait! I'll pay in a week!" He said fearfully. His eyes were stretched out from the fear and he looked like he was on the verge of wetting his pants.

Alora was amazed at how Annika could easily scare a man who was two times her size.

"You didn't tell that to the cashiers at the designer shops did you?"

"No, but-"

Annika clawed her fingers into the man's stomach. His gasps were sharp like a knife's blade. Alora watched as the blood started to run down Annika's arms. She sliced his stomach across and let him go from her grip as his intestines started to peek through the slit. Alora's mouth dropped as she witnessed it all. Axel was a devil himself but Annika was much worse.

Annika walked away quietly to the bathroom to clean up her arm. When she got out she winked at Alora.

"Let's go," Annika said

Annika opened the window

"Why the window?" Alora asked

"It isn't high Alora, I'll show you how to get down without breaking bones"

Alora watched Annika jump from the window successfully. Alora followed the same technique too

When she got down Alora could feel her stomach churn, she let out another load of vomit to the concrete.

"Was it the blood? I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up" Annika said

"No, I'm just a little stressed" Alora said

OBEY ME (BWWM) [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now