ch 6

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Liam Moonhovan

We were both panting and laughing on the porch. "I definitely won," I murmured as I gazed up at him, my hands on my knees. 

"There's no way. We tied "Enzo chuckled, his hair pushed back. 

My heart began to race, my cheeks began to heat up, and my stomach began to knot; it's probably just the exhaustion of running. I rose up and brushed by Enzo to open the door. I shouldn't allow myself get too comfortable around him.

I didn't have to worry about him seeing pictures of Alexis since we hung all of our photos on one large photo wall, so as long as I kept him downstairs, I was ok. 

When I took him into the living room, he seemed amused and glanced about, which was a normal reaction. Maybe people didn't expect me to live such a lavish lifestyle.

 "Wait in this spot and don't move. I'll go grab a towel for you "I stated, sternly pointing to the living room area. He nodded and appeared preoccupied with scanning his surroundings.

I walked past Alexis' bedroom, a bathroom, and the vast photo wall down the corridor until I arrived at my room at the end of the hall. I looked at the mirror in my bedroom as I walked by.

 My hair was now damp and clinging to my temples, and I appeared to be suffocated in Enzo's sweater. The sleeved had once again enveloped my arms as it descended to my thigs. I didn't want to take it off, even though it was just as wet. It was probably because it kept me warm. Nonetheless, I did so grudgingly, tossing it aside with my wet clothing as I changed into a pair of comfy sweatpants and a turtleneck.

Rampaging through the drawer. I took out two towels, Zach's sweatpants and shirt that he'd left over in the hopes that they'd fit Enzo better than any of my clothes. I put them over my arm and used one to dry my hair while checking the weather forecast on my phone. 

The storm wasn't going to let up for another two hours, and it was really worsening. I stepped out into the living room and passed Enzo the towel, allowing mine to fall to my shoulders. He gently accepted it and used it to dry his hair.

"You got a pretty fancy place, what are you a millionaire?" Looking across at me, he inquired amused.

 "I could be," I shrugged, preferring to be vague. Even though I was well-off and lived in a large, luxurious home, I was nothing near a millionaire. "Here. I don't have any clothing that will fit you, but these might" I said as I handed him the sweatpants and shirt. He gave them a quick glance before taking them and thanking me, perhaps knowing that if he made a remark about how much I cared, I would take them back. "Over there, third and second doors on the left, are the guest bedrooms. I need to make a call real quick" I said pointing down the hallway where my office was. I pulled out my phone and dialed James' mother's number as he nodded and walked away.

"Hello," she said, and I could hear the rain pouring down on her end of the phone as well.

 "Hi sorry to bother you. "All I wanted to do was make sure the kids were safe," I explained. The idea of leaving Alexis in someone's care who wasn't Zach or Zaria didn't sit well with me, and I had to stop myself from phoning every five minutes to see how she was doing. 

"Oh goodness, you are very concerned. The kids fine; I set them up with popcorn and food inside. She said, "They're busy watching 101 Dalmatians." 

"Alright, I just wanted to check in. The storm should be over by five, so I'll still be there to pick her up," I added as I heard the door close, signaling Enzo's arrival. 

"She's welcome to stay the night. Will's mom already agreed for him to do so" 

"No, thank you. I'll be there at five. Thank you for the offer." We said our goodbyes and hung up, I said. 

"So you've got a place to be?" When I looked up, Enzo was standing there in his sweats. 

The same sensation of the room being heated, my stomach knotting, and my heart rate rising, seemed to return. It's probably just me worrying about Alexis. Despite how difficult it was for me to take my glance away from his figure, I managed to do it swiftly before he saw me watching. "Where the fuck is your shirt?" I said, my gaze averted.

"I couldn't wear the one you gave me because it was too small. At the very least, the pants do." I could hear Enzo shrugging and approaching me. "Y'know can look at me. it's not like it's anything new, in fact you've seen way more" I looked there mesmerized by his beauty and attractiveness, the yearning inside me rising as he placed his palm on my chin forcing me to look up into his eyes. 

"What are you doing?" I intended to say it in a hard, icy tone, but it came out as a delicate whisper that was loud enough for him to hear. "All I wanted was for you to look at me. I had no idea your eyes were green till now." He said leaning closer. 

"Most people don't because of their dark color" I remarked, leaning forward to meet him halfway.

When I realized what I was doing, I immediately drew back,  and felt his top lip barely brush against mine. "If you get cold, there are blankets in the corner. I'm going to make some hot cocoa "I stomped off into the kitchen, hurriedly turning away so he wouldn't see my face. 

What the hell was I thinking? I pondered as I turned on the kettle after double-checking that it had enough water. I was cursing myself for having an open kitchen at the time. As I reached for the cups, I felt his gaze staring holes in my back. We couldn't completely ignore what had just occurred, but I was relieved that he hadn't brought it up or teased me about it just yet.

"Here you go," I said, offering him a mug and sitting across the room on the couch. 

"This is really good, I love mini marshmallows they're so cute" Enzo gushed swaying the mug about. 

"Cute? They're fucking marshmallows" I scoffed taking a sip from my mug. I just just realized I'd accidentally put marshmallows in only one cup as I did when making some for Alexis and myself. I suppose I was so apprehensive that I slipped into autopilot mode and did things without thinking. We were sitting in silence, sipping coco, when he put down his cup and said something that piqued my curiosity.

"Since we're going to be here for a while. Why don't we play a game?"

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