ch 40

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Enzo Toun

I slid out of the bed from beneath Liam trying not to wake him up.

Last night was officially the best Christmas I've had in a while. Liam was officially mine, and he gave me a fucking promise ring.

I picked up the rings on the night stand putting them on, a smile spreading across my face, and the bubbly feeling across my whole body came back.

I leaned over to check the time on Liams alarm and luckily I had to be at my mom's place in two hours so there was time to spare.

"Where are you going?" Liam mumbled, his voice was tired and raspy making it sound very attractive.

I felt his arms wrap around my waist lazily pulling me back. He was making my heart do things I didn't know if could, by just the simplest actions.  

"I have to go home" I answered with a slight chuckle.

"Why?" I heard him shuffle and felt him move closer and sit up leaning into my side as we sat at the edge of the bed. "Just stay with me and Alexis." he said making my heart flutter.

"As much as I'd love to. I have to spend the day with my family" I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

"You're going to see them today?" He asked softly. I nodded, putting my hand on his.

"Yea it's tradition that we meet the day after Christmas. So everyone can spend Christmas how they like but we still have family time"

Liam nodded shifting slightly but not taking his arms off me. "So, do you guys usually bring your partners along?"

I raised an eyebrow at him nodding. "Yea. Usually all my cousins do, but it's no big deal"

Liam paused for a moment before getting up.  "I'll be ready in about fifteen minutes, then get Alexis ready" he said already walking over to his drawer.

"Hold on, where are you guys going?" I asked raising an eyebrow. 

"To your parents. duh." Liam said. "Now should I wear the cream pants or white?" he asked turning to me with two pants on hangers switching them in front of his body.

"Ok Liam slow down a little. You just decided you want to come?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Not like I was against it  it was just sudden, especially for him.

"Well, I've practically proposed to you at this point and you've met my family so why not?" he asked looking over at me as he seemed to come to a decision on the pants and put the white ones away.

"But its not gonna be just my parents and I have a huge extended family, who are touchy" I warned.

"Enzo, I'll be fine you don't have to worry about me being comfortable" Liam sighed, still walking around the room.

"Sure, I just didn't expect you to want to come, and bring Alexis too" I said knowing how protective he got over her especially with strangers.

Liam paused and turned to me. "Well, I want to show you I'm serious about you." He said pulling out a shirt. "Plus you've already met all the important people in my life and if you trust them I I too"

"Fair enough" I shrugged sliding off the bed. "We have to leave in about an hour" I said and he just nodded but he didn't comment. "I'm gonna go home, get ready and pick up a few things."

An hour later, Liam slid into the front seat of my car and Alexis in the back. I looked up from my phone at the two. "Are you ready to go?" I asked with a smile. 

"Mhmm, I carried my toys" Alexis said making me chuckle as I nodded. "But papa was changing clothes too much. It took long" She frowned looking at Liam. Her statement making me smile.

"He did?" I asked in an amused tone.

"mhmm he kept saying it's not good enough every time, also his hair" Alexis sighed clearly impatient but I couldn't help but laugh and turn to Liam who just crossed his arms and stared out the window at the flowerbed beside the driveway, a small tint of red on his face.

"Liam, are you....nervous to meet my family?" I asked leaning over the center console closer to his face.

"Can you just drive? I don't want to be late" He grumbled not turning to look at me. I laughed once more but complied and started the car.

About halfway through the drive and Alexis was playing on her switch. Liam on the other hand had kept his gaze out the window, clearly too lost in his head to even be observing the scenery. Once we got to a red light I took the chance to grab his hand from where they were folded across his chest.

"Will you relax. They'll love you." I sighed intertwining our fingers and he glanced at our hands then at me. 

"I don't know if you remember but I'm not really the most likable person" he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes rubbing my thumb over his knuckles. "You don't have to meet them as my boyfriend" I said using one hand to drive. "You can just be my friend, until you're ready" 

Liam was quick to shake his head, and slightly squeezed my hand. "I want to meet them as your boyfriend. First off it's our first day officially together, and I want to let them know exactly what my intentions are"

I glanced at him a grin breaking onto my face as I caught wind of the song playing on the radio. "Oh my god turn this up" I said letting go of his hand to turn up the volume. 

Liam on the other hand stared at me like I just killed a puppy in front of him before angrily grabbing my hand again. "I can't believe you like this song" He mumbled. 

"First of all this song was released in Justin Biebers golden era. It's a masterpiece" I defended making him roll his eyes but he said nothing else. I noticed him glance at me with a smile as I began softly singing along, that was until it got to the chorus.

"I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more" I shouted moving closer to Liam and definitely startling poor Alexis who jumped in surprise but giggled as I turned up the volume more. Liam looked at me with a huge amused smile on his face as I continued.

"Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours" I sang looking him in the eye earning a giggle from Alexis. "Come on sing with me" I said making him scoff but Alexis was quick to attempt despite not knowing the lyrics, it was the energy that mattered anyway.

Liam only looked at us in disbelief.  "And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try" I sang smiling at Alexis who seemed to be having more fun than me. "If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life" I said returning my gaze to Liam urging him to join us  "I'm gonna love you"

His eyes widened and he quickly averted them "I'm gonna love you" He sang softly but it was enough for me and Alexis to erupt the in cheers as the song went on and we all broke out into laughter before it slowly died down.

I couldn't manage to wipe the smile from my face, not that I wanted to.

Both of them made me so happy, and I suddenly felt like that dreadful loneliness that seemed to follow me around no matter how many friends I had around me, but In that moment it was actually gone, not pushed to the back of my mind as I distracted myself.

I felt full and my heart felt like it was doubling in size. 

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