Ch 15

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Liam Moonhovan.

"I've never done this before" I admitted stepping into the ice. I assumed it would be simple to simply fake it until I made it, but as my leg slid and I strained to even stand holding the edge for support, I knew it wasn't going to be that simple.

 Enzo was just behind me, still fastening the laces on his skates. "It's really easy," he remarked from the beach as I slipped my other foot across the ice, causing me to clutch the edge even tighter. Because it was so cold, I was wearing one of his sweaters. 

The sweater had a wonderful dark green color with a random university logo on the front that included the year and everything. It was nice to have an excuse to wear his sweater, but this was a bad idea. I'd do it since it's what he wanted and also I'm just too proud to admit failure.

"Come on, it's easy, I'll show you," Enzo remarked as he rose from his seat. I had just moved two steps away from the entrance and was still grasping the edge. I was admiring Enzo's elegance as he skated ahead with ease. 

His hair flowed back and forth in sync with his motions as he moved around the rink making tiny spins here and there, he looked beautiful . Some people had also come to a halt to watch him. 

He approached me, making me flinch in fear of a collision, but he came to a complete stop just in front of me. "Are you done showing off?" I asked teasingly, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. 

"I wasn't showing off. just warming up" He said before looking me in the eye with a big stupid smile "but we're you impressed?" He asked leaning forward.

 "Nope, but those women were," I responded, motioning my head in the direction of two girls who were clearly eyeing him.  He frowned at them before returning his gaze to me. "What's the deal with the sad puppy expression?" I asked. Momentarily oblivious to the fact that I was battling for my life on this ice rink.

 "Nothing..." he murmured, his gaze averted. I'm not sure what he said, but I think he said something to the effect of "they're not the ones I want to impress."

"What was that?" I inquired, leaning forward and immediately re-grasping the edge. 

"Nothing. Here, let me tech you," he chuckled. He grabbed my hands before I could say anything, basically declaring him my supporter. 

"Hey! Make sure I don't fall!" I commanded feeling unsteady. 

"You won't relax," he said. Enzo said, "Now move your feet with mine." 

"How do I go about doing that?" I inquired uncomfortably, attempting to maintain a straight posture.

"Your leg slides ahead when I move mine back. Don't worry, I'll take it easy" He murmured, as he tightened his grasp on my hands, reassuring me.

 "OK, but if I fall, I'll murder you," I replied, nodding, and he chuckled, shifting his stance to a little crouched.

 "Ok left...right...left...right," he said as he dragged me over the ice, my feet only moving at his direction. We had moved away from the edge and toward the center before I knew it. 

"See, you're doing fantastic," he continued, making me shyly glance away, as red rose to my face and my stomach filled with butterflies. 

"This is stupid," I grumbled. 

"It is not. Now come on let's go faster" he said moving back.

 I was struggling to keep up, but he made it look so effortless with his strong grasp on my hand, which prevented me from falling behind. I looked up at him, our gazes colliding; I was mesmerized by his beautiful black eyes that I'd missed looking into.

 It appears that I was too preoccupied with that and stumbled over my feet, nearly pulling both of us to the ground. He swiftly recovered his footing, and mine dragged me along with him, but in doing so, I slid closer to him and collided with his chest.

I flushed at our close contact, as his chin rested on my hair and our hands remained linked  "Woah careful. I can tell you from personal experience that falling on ice is not fun "He laughed it off, utterly oblivious to whatever that was, which I appreciated because I was sure my face was still crimson. "Mhm," I said, returning my gaze to the ground as we drew further apart.

We went on like that for a few more minutes before I claimed I was tired and he led me to the edge of the rink leaning against it. "How are you so good at it?" I finally asked. 

"I played ice hockey in high school" he said turning to me. 

"Oh you kind of look more like a football kind of guy" I said looking over at him. "Yea I get that a lot but to be fair I did join the football team during my junior and senior year so it's not wrong" he said shrugging.

 "Of course you were the athletic kid who could manage playing on two sports teams," I joked.

 "On the other hand, my grades are just high enough for me to stay on the teams," he remarked, laughing lightly.

We talked some more, however no one was surprised that I didn't participate in sports and received all A's. He grabbed my hand again and urged, 

"Come on, let's go one more time before you have to leave." I held out my other hand for him to take, partly because I was terrified of falling and partly because I enjoyed the warmth and feel of his strong hand wrapped around mine.

On the speakers, there was a gentle love song playing. As we glided across the ice following Enzo's lead, he either didn't notice or ignored it. 

As I looked around, I noticed a couple or two with their arms around each other, swaying to the music. Enzo linked our hands together, his fingers enveloping mine. I smiled as I glanced at our interlaced fingers, then at his face, which he returned a smile ten times bigger than mine. 

He took us back and forth before leading us from left to right. I stopped worrying about anything and simply trusted and followed him.

I'd be lying if I claimed I didn't enjoy myself, or that I didn't miss his figurers around my knuckles with his thumb delicately brushing against it.

As I returned home from picking up Alexis from her playdate, I could still feel his touch on my hand and smell his scent on the sweatshirt I was wearing. I believe it was a well-spent Sunday; it was preferable than being at home 

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