ch 9

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Tell me that post isn't Alexis!! I'm sorry I just love her so damn much.

Liam Moonhovan

I met with Enzo once more during the next week to return his Id, after teasing him about it, of course. Except for that one time, we were always texting or calling one other, and when we didn't have anything to speak about, he'd send me memes and tiktoks, some of which made me laugh out loud, though I'm sure I'd never admit it to him.

Before I knew it the weekend was coming around again, and Zach was returning today. Zariah having landed two days prior. Usually driving to the airport on a Saturday morning is super hectic so we had to leave really early in order to get there when his flight lands. I was driving, with Alexis fast asleep in the back seats when my phone rang.

"Hey Enzo what is it?" I asked putting my phone on speaker but lowering the volume so I could drive with both my hands on the wheel. 

"I was just wondering If you were down to hang out today" He said in his usual bubbly tone.

 "Sorry, I'm picking Zach up from the airport remember?" I asked having recalled mentioning it during one of our calls. 

"Oh that was today? Then how about we tomorrow are you free then?"

I sighed and said, "Sorry, I have plans with Zach." Even though I didn't want to get close to Enzo, I allowed myself to relax around him regardless.

I figured it was better if I placed some space between us. I felt a thread of guilt tug at my heart when he let out a plaintive "Oh." 

During our conversation I woke up Alexis and we walked into the busy Airport waiting area. She excitedly observed all the people arriving and waiting for their loved ones.

 "I'm at the airport right now" I muttered, and it was silent for a while, both of us definitely lost in our own thoughts.

 Alexis wondered away, pulling me out of mine "Alexis, love-". I stopped myself off when I realized Enzo was still on the line, and hastily whispered bye before hanging up.

"Don't touch that," I murmured as I drew her hand away from the walls and railings. With all the people that fly on a regular basis, airports have to be one of the most germ-infested areas near to public restrooms. We were waiting for Zach to arrive at the arrival area, and according to the timetable, his airplane had arrived. We'd seen a few others depart, but the brunette was nowhere to be seen.

"Uncle Zachy!" Before I could intervene, the six-year-old sprang from my grasp and dashed into the small crowd, leaping into Zach's arms, who had already crouched down to her level. 

"Hey Princes I missed you" He exclaimed kissing her cheek as she giggled.

 As I eventually came to a stop in front of them, Alexis flung her arms around his neck and said, "I missed you too."

"Liam I missed you too" He said making kissy lips as if he wanted to kiss me too.

 I leaned closer making sure he could hear me and Alexis couldn't "Oh fuck off" I whispered with a laugh as he broke out in an all to familiar booming laughter. "How we're all the meetings and flights?" I asked as I pushed his bag out the door with Alexis in his arms.

Until we got in the car, we spoke about the meetings and flights. Alexis was immediately engrossed in a game on his phone, thrilled that Zach had progressed to a higher level for her.

 "How are you doing today? did you make any new friends or anything?" Zach asked as I began driving away from the crowded airport. My thoughts went straight to Enzo, but I shook my head.

Broken Walls ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora