ch 21

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Liam Moohovan

I pushed him away with my other hand on his chest, and he stumbled backwards, but I lost my footing and fell down on my ass. Probably because the kiss made my legs feel weak, like jello. I looked into his eyes mine wide with shock and his filled with regret as he run a hand through his hair frustrated.

"Shit. Liam I'm so sorry "he sighed, extending his hand to assist me in getting up. 

"Forget it," I murmured, staring at his hand before getting up and stepping past him to the route that lead us up here. "Let's just head back to the club," I replied, leading the way down. "I need to pick up Zach." He didn't say anything, but as we walked down, I could hear his footsteps behind me from afar.

It would be an understatement to say that the mood in the car was beyond awkward. The same car where we'd shared countless laughs and jokes, and where I'd told him things I'd never told anyone else. 

There was suddenly an uneasy, silent atmosphere filling it. I pushed myself to stay staring out the window, even when I felt his eyes on me, and I could see his reflection in the window. He was tapping the wheel with his index finger in a rhythmic pattern till it stopped and he opened his lips to speak. "Liam I-" 

I raised my hand and turned to face him. "Please don't,"  I knew it was probably selfish of me, but I didn't want to hear whatever he had to say. 

Not because I was mad, but because I wasn't. I was typically enraged when somebody kissed me, at least the two times it happened.

 But when he kissed me, I wanted more, and I had to force myself to push him away, which bothered me. The butterflies in my stomach and heat on my face bothered me. I also couldn't help but wonder if the regret in his eyes was because he felt bad?

 My head felt like it was spinning because everything happened so quickly. Is it possible that my reaction was different since he wasn't a girl, and I just didn't know how to feel about it?

I looked up to see that we'd arrived at the parking lot. We went in together, the uneasy mood still hanging about us. 

"Liammmm, where we're you? I thought you abandoned me" An drunk   Zach whined and flailed into my arms, forcing me to wrap them around him for support. 

"You huge baby, calm down. I didn't abandon you." I stated unequivocally. 

I spotted Enzo's gaze directed towards Zach, who had turned to face him. "Hey, Enzo. I had no idea you were here." He slurred his words. 

"I was in the area," Enzo murmured quietly, his eyes remorseful as he looked at me.

I merely hummed and gripped Zach's arm as I turned away from him, unable to look him in the eyes. "We- should," I said anxiously, pointing to the exit. Enzo nodded and muttered a little goodbye, despite the fact that he appeared to have a lot more to say.

"Where we're youuu??" Zach slurred as I led him away  

"I was at the bar," I said as I led him to his car. 

"I went looking for you, liarrr." He paused for a second "We're you getting laid again?" I groaned at him his brows wiggled suggestively.

 "You're a complete moron. No, I wasn't" I scowled as I helped him into the back seat so he wouldn't bother me while I drove. Although Zach feel asleep even before we left. I was still bothered by the lingering sensation of Enzo's lips on mine that kept me preoccupied the whole ride.

When I arrived at Zaria's house and woke Zach up to stay the night, he blacked out again as soon as we got him on the couch. With a sigh, I sighed and tossed my head back. 

I turned to Zaria and asked, "Where's Alexis, we should probably get going."

 "She's sound asleep upstairs. You could also just stay the night considering you don't look ok" Looking at me, she said. 

Before I could react she pulled me by my wrist to the kitchen and looked back at me.

"Would you like to talk about it?" She asked leaning on the counter. 

I stared up at her, then down at the ground; I despised how she and Zach could see straight through me, no matter how hard I tried to seem emotionless. "it's nothing. Just work and all" I shrugged.

"I know work has been hard and overwhelming, but I'm not stupid enough to believe it's the cause of you looking so depressed all of a sudden" she remarked. 

I took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. "You can't be tricked?" I sarcastically chuckled as she shook her head.

"I'm not going to make you tell me. We're all grown up now, with our own homes instead of a foolish tree house, and our own lives, so I understand." Zaria remarked, her gaze fixed on the wall. "I just do not want you to hold everything within. If you keep doing that, you'll ultimately break, and it looks like you're already breaking." 

She spoke up, but I remained silent. "You've been thought a lot for one person. It's remarkable how well you've managed to keep your composure. Also, if you don't at least some to terms with whatever it is.   When Zach is sober, he'll realize something's wrong with you ,and you'll have to tell him about it."

I groaned and sat at the kitchen counter, peering across the room at her. "You know how I haven't had a serious relationship since high school?" I questioned, peering across at her and seeing her changing expression.

 "Did you meet someone?" She asked, causing me to nod and bite my lower lip in embarrassment as I pondered what had just happened with that 'someone'. 

"I think so," I mumbled.

 "That's fantastic, so what's the problem?" She asked. 

"What if I told you..." I froze, my nerves taking over.

She didn't push me to continue my statement; instead, she just peered at me, waiting for me to find my words. "What if I told you I'm gay? ...." I chocked out. 

I bit my lower lip even harder as I stared at her. She had a shocked expression at first, but it quickly morphed into a caring one. "You haven't told anyone, have you? not even Zach.." She asked walking over as I shook my head. 

"I'm not just gay, I'm also a fucking idiot," I groaned, my finger tangled in my hair as I burrowed my face in my hands.

"Who is it?" She inquired, leaning besides me. I chewed my lower lip as I turned to face her. "Let me guess. Enzo?" She asked making my eyes widen and I nodded. 

"Before you ask how, let me say that I've never seen you look at someone like that. It's not the same kind of love you have for Alexis or Zach. I noticed you two looking into each other's eyes as though you were in a romance movie" She guffawed. "You were still looking at each other like that the last time I checked, so what happened?"

I went on to tell her everything that had happened. I may have cried a bit, but she listened and hugged me, insisting that I remain the night. 

Zaria also Opened up to me, telling me about a guys she met and thinks she likes. Of course I was quick to encourage her to go for it, which when you think about it is kind of ironic seeing how I went against my own advice.

We headed upstairs, leaving Zach on the couch still sleeping or possibly dead. I snuck inside the room Alexis was in, after changing into clothing I'd left over. Laughing as she'd sprawled as far as she could across the whole queen bed.

I slipped in next to her, waking her awake in the process. "Papa" She murmured sitting up.

 "Sorry love, I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep" I whispered lying on my back.

 "Good night papa," she murmured yawning as she carefully moved over to me and placed her pillow on my chest. 

 "Good night love." I sighed  letting go of all that had happened and falling asleep.


Let's just hope Liam figures out his feelings....

Also My queen Zar is also finally getting her own love interest, yessss.

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