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Liam Moonhovan

"You can't touch or hug him ok?" I said to Alexis as we climbed up the stairs to Enzo's apartment.

"But I like Enzo hugs" Alexis protested focusing on the bowl in her arms.

I chuckled. "Yea I like them too, but he's sick right now. I don't want to run the risk of you getting sick too"

"Fine" she mumbled as we came to a stop at the apartment door. I knocked on it and patiently waited for it to swing opened.

Moments later it did and Enzo stood there. A blanket drapped around him, his nose was bright red, hair a mess. He had eyebags under his eyes and looked so pale.

"You look worse then you sounded over the phone. And you sounded like an old man on his death bed" I commented.

"Gee thanks" he said in his horse voice

"I think he looks like a cool zombie" Alexis pointed out making both of us laugh but Enzo's quickly turned into a series of painful coughs.

"Ok let's get you back to bed" I sighed ushering for him to go in. He turned around and we followed him into the apartment.

It was quite small but I assume he didn't need that much space. "Alexis can you put that in the fridge for me love?" She nodded going into the kitchen.

"You brought me food?" Enzo sniffed.

"You can't live off take away and instant ramen when you're sick" I said shaking my head. "I made enough to last you the week, and yes there's pasta and Lasagna"

"You're the best Liam" Enzo exclaimed about to jump on me for a hug.

"Uh no hugs until you're better" I said putting out my arm to stop him.

Enzo frowned at me, almost like a child making me chuckle. "Go back to bed. I'll make you some soup"

"Papa can I read him a story? Like you usually do for me?" Alexis asked me holding her bag in her arms.

"Sure just sit a little far ok?" she nodded and excitedly followed Enzo to the room.

About ten minutes later I was done with the soup and made sure it was fine and warm before carrying it to his room.

"And the wolf said. I will huff and...and puff and blow you're house down"  I smiled at Alexis reading him her favourite story.

What was even better was Enzo seemed so genuinely intrigued. It was adorable.

"Ok sit up, time for soup" I interupted walking into the room. Enzo followed and I handed him the bowl after making sure he was comfortable.

"Love, how many books did you carry?" I asked looking over all the books spread on the floor besides her empty bagpack.

"I brought many. So he can choose" she smiled proudly and I just chuckled and shook my head.

I joined her on the floor besides his bed and we all talked. Well mostly Alexis but Enzo seemed happy taking his soup and listening to her.

Once he was done I took the bowl and motioned for him to lie down again. "Ok how about we let Enzo rest?"

Alexis was quick to protest saying she hasn't read all her stories yet, and Enzo being him was quick to back her up. So I let them but halfway through he fell asleep anyway.

Alexis and I moved to the living room to let him rest and she of course found her favourite channel on TV. I just kept myself busy, cleaning up and making enough soup for at least three more days.

Before I knew it Alexis was asleep too. I Covered her with a blanket as I finished up then went to check in on Enzo before we left.

He was still sleeping and I just moved some hair out of his face, it beats me why he never tied it up or something.

He stirred awake making me jump back. "Did I wake you up? Sorry" I mumbled but he just shook his head. "How are you feeling? any better?"

"A little. I have a slight headache" he mumbled.

"I'll get you some painkillers. I bought some" I said getting up but he grabbed my arm holding me back. "Is there anything else?"

"Thank you" Enzo sniffed and I wasn't sure if he was crying or it was just his flu.

"For what?"

"Ever since I moved out. I never had someone take care of me like this. It's nice, Alexis too" he mumbled.

"That's what we're here for" I smiled dropping my arm to my side. "Could you let go, I need to go get the painkillers"

Enzo shook his head but before I could question it he yanked my arm and I tumbled into his chest. "I don't want them. I just want you" he muttered turning to the side and wrapping his arms around me like I was a stuffed bear.

I blushed but quickly tried to push him away. "Enz, let go" I said struggling to even weeking his grip, and he was sick.

"I don't wanna, you're nice" he said nuzzling his face into my back, and I could feel the heat of his fever.

"I dont want to get sick" I said still struggling.

"I promise you won't" he said quietly. "If you do, I'll take care of you too"

I sighed and just gave up letting him pull me back to him and I could feel the smile on his face grow. "If I get sick I will murder you myself"

The next morning

I felt like shit since I woke up. Of course I was quick to call Enzo and scold him for making me sick, but in all fairness I was the one who gave in so easily.

Before I knew it everyone was in my house. Zar and Madi made me some soup which was actually nice and Zach took care of Alexis.

Enzo mostly apologized a lot and I would be lying if I said I hated getting forehead kisses every five minutes from him. Plus I had already forgiven him before he got there.

Alexis of course read me bedtime stories, and I had to kick Enzo out because he insisted on spending the night with me which would just get him sick again.

I could see what he was talking about. It was nice to have people caring for me. I didn't even realize how important each of them were and how nice it is to just be able to let my guard down In front of them,and not pretend to be some cold hearted asshole until now

I guess I had already found my place, and surrounded myself with people who I care about and who care about me in return.

Is this major character development and fluff? Yes.


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